RT @googledevjp@twitter.com
Google I/O Extended: Recap Live Japan 2019 のセッションごとの動画を YouTube で公開しました。プレイリストはプログラム順にまとめていますので、気になるセッションの振り返りにご覧ください。#io19 #io19jp
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/googledevjp/status/1138692164127404033
RT @googledevjp@twitter.com
6 月 7 日 に開催した Google I/O Extended: Recap Live Japan 2019 の動画を公開しました。イベント中に投稿されたご質問へ回答する Q & A も収録されています。セッションごとの動画も順次 YouTube で公開します。#io19 #io19jp
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/googledevjp/status/1138356548709769216
Even if 🤖 Googlebot is now evergreen, there’re still scenarios where you want to be careful when relying on (modern) browser APIs, like (the old school) Geolocation. ⤵️
RT @g33konaut@twitter.com
Hey, y'all! 👋
@LizziHarvey@twitter.com and I wrote a bit on http://web.dev about the #javascript #SEO session we had at #io19 and what it means for web developers.
Check it out 📖https://buff.ly/2IiDChy
RT @g33konaut@twitter.com
Hey, y'all! 👋
@LizziHarvey@twitter.com and I wrote a bit on http://web.dev about the #javascript #SEO session we had at #io19 and what it means for web developers.
Check it out 📖https://buff.ly/2IiDChy
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/g33konaut/status/1136913218411143169
RT @googledevjp@twitter.com
[本日 16 時 30 分より #RecapLiveJP]
#io19 のコンテンツを厳選して日本語でお届け。Google I/O Extended: Recap Live Japan 2019 は YouTube Live で配信を行います。ご質問は時間内に #RecapLiveJP を付けてお寄せください。
配信はこちら↓ #io19jp
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/googledevjp/status/1136830136060276737
RT @googledevjp@twitter.com
[明日 16 時 30 分より #RecapLiveJP]
Google I/O 2019 の発表から、最新技術とビジネスの情報をお届けする Google I/O Extended: Recap Live Japan 2019 明日開催。YouTube Live で配信し #RecapLiveJP で投稿された質問へお答えします。
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/googledevjp/status/1136467748433739776
RT @googledevjp@twitter.com
[明日 16 時 30 分より #RecapLiveJP]
Google I/O 2019 の発表から、最新技術とビジネスの情報をお届けする Google I/O Extended: Recap Live Japan 2019 明日開催。YouTube Live で配信し #RecapLiveJP で投稿された質問へお答えします。
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/googledevjp/status/1136467748433739776
RT @petele@twitter.com
Chrome 75 is rolling out now! I've got details on how to reduce latency on canvas elements, the new file sharing capabilities of the Web Share API, and highlights some of my favorite talks from #io19 in my latest #NewInChrome post https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2019/06/nic75
RT @we1x@twitter.com
Our Google I/O #io19 slides are online now: Securing Web Apps with Modern Platform Features by @arturjanc@twitter.com and @we1x@twitter.com.
Brilliant summary of all the Web performance announcements at #io19: https://perf.reviews/blog/web-performance-google-io-2019/en/ 💨
Thanks to @hhjs@twitter.com for having me tonight to share the latest and greatest about project Fugu 🐡! Here are @petele@twitter.com and my slides from #io19: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1lJPBM_xzpmIfiOsyN_W1XD25WQ-qqpx50SlBjo5l4SM/preview?slide=id.g579557fbf5_1_0 (#HHjs got the shortened version). Watch the full talk at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSiUzuB-PoI!
RT @googledevjp@twitter.com
6 月 7 日 [Google I/O Extended: Recap Live Japan 2019] 開催。Android, Google Play, AI, Gaming など注目のトピックを厳選して発信します。
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/googledevjp/status/1129266284904845314
RT @sundarpichai@twitter.com
Last week at #io19, we talked about our focus on building products that are private and secure for everyone. Today, we’re excited to open our Safety Engineering Center in Munich, Germany -- serving as a new global hub for privacy and safety engineering. https://blog.google/around-the-globe/google-europe/global-hub-privacy-engineering-heart-europe/
Nest est mort durant la #io19 . Dommage si vous avez acheté leurs produits https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2019/05/nest-the-company-died-at-google-io-2019/
Comprehensive summary by @bgalbs@twitter.com and @dalmaer@twitter.com on everything that's new with Chrome and the Web: https://blog.chromium.org/2019/05/google-io-2019-whats-new-with-chrome.html #io19 👍
ASCII.jp:Google、ポッドキャストを検索可能に 検索結果で直接聴くことも #io19 https://ascii.jp/elem/000/001/856/1856369/
RT @ChromiumDev@twitter.com
Learn about all the APIs we work on in the context of the capabilities project, some of which we couldn't cover in the talk: https://crbug.com/?q=proj-fugu
🐡 #io19
RT @ChromiumDev@twitter.com
If there are new capabilities you think we're missing on the web, we want to hear about them. Please file a feature request on https://bit.ly/new-fugu-request
Google I/O is always weird and stressful, especially as a journalist far from home. But when it's time to pack up and leave, I always feel a little sad that it's over. #io19