RT @Channelopath_24
Wonderful news: a new series of webinars on #IonChannels #Ephys #Channelopathies organized by the rising stars from the field. Very recommended! https://twitter.com/sgpweb/status/1648287894757318656
#Channelopathies #ephys #ionchannels
Our projects on cardiac #IonChannels & #Channelopathies have received funding from the @snsf_ch. We are seeking two PhD candidates to join our team. Do you know someone interested?
Learn more: https://abriellab.org/
RTs are greatly appreciated!
#PhDpositions #CardiacResearch
#cardiacresearch #phdpositions #Channelopathies #ionchannels
RT @LS2Switzerland
SAVE THE DATE - 06 September 2023 - Swiss Physiology & Ion Channels and Membrane Transporter Joint Meeting 2023 at the University of Bern (UniS).
Abstract submission until 01 August 2023
Register: https://meetings.ls2.ch/physiology-icmt-2023
#physiology #IonChannels #MembraneTransporters
#membranetransporters #ionchannels #physiology
RT @LS2Switzerland
SAVE THE DATE - 06 September 2023 - Swiss Physiology & Ion Channels and Membrane Transporter Joint Meeting 2023 at the University of Bern (UniS).
Abstract submission until 01 August 2023
Register: https://meetings.ls2.ch/physiology-icmt-2023
#physiology #IonChannels #MembraneTransporters
#membranetransporters #ionchannels #physiology
For its first "annual meeting" our Ion Channels and Membrane Transporters LS2 Section will meet with its sister Section of Physiology!
See you at @unibern @uniofbern on Sept. 6, 2023. We want to see many abstracts on #IonChannels and #MembraneTransporters https://twitter.com/LS2Switzerland/status/1643945160659828737
#membranetransporters #ionchannels
RT @LS2Switzerland
SAVE THE DATE - 06 September 2023 - Swiss Physiology & Ion Channels and Membrane Transporter Joint Meeting 2023 at the University of Bern (UniS).
Abstract submission until 01 August 2023
Register: https://meetings.ls2.ch/physiology-icmt-2023
#physiology #IonChannels #MembraneTransporters
#membranetransporters #ionchannels #physiology
#channelopathies #ionchannels #TRPM4
RT @biorxivpreprint
Amino acid substitution in the S1 or CH1-CH2 linker domain of TRPM4: Two new TRPM4 variants found in complete heart block patients lead to gain of expression and gain of current https://biorxiv.org/cgi/content/short/2023.03.29.534743v1 #bioRxiv
#biorxiv #trpm4 #ionchannels #Channelopathies
RT @ionchannellib
Ion channels are even more remarkable than I previously thought. Ion channels perform real magic by enabling cells to control other cells from a distance, much like magicians who move objects on the stage without physical contact.
#channelopathies #sodiumchannels
RT @DasmachineNU
Interesting preprint on #SCN1A #SCN2A and #SCN8A poison exons https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.01.12.523654v1 #ionchannels #epilepsy
#epilepsy #ionchannels #scn8a #scn2a #scn1a #SodiumChannels #Channelopathies
#IonChannels #PlantIonChannels #ScienceIsAmazing @unil @FBM_UNIL
RT @pateixidor
Les plantes produisent des signaux électriques lorsque leurs feuilles sont endommagées. Dr Farmer a découvert que les protéines libérées par les tissus parcourent de longues distances dans les tissus végétaux pour déclencher le signal électrique
#scienceisamazing #plantionchannels #ionchannels
RT @ionchannellib
How many rare diseases are related to ion channels?
I used data from http://OrphaData.com to figure it out.
Read here:
#RareDiseases #RareDisease #ionchannels
I am like a student (a bit anxious) presenting at #ICHG2023! My poster "Ion channels to sequences genes coding for ion channels" #IonChannels #MembraneTransporters #GenomicsInAfrica #AcademicSabbatica @nanopore
#academicsabbatica #GenomicsInAfrica #membranetransporters #ionchannels #ICHG2023
Do you know what are and how to study genetic #channelopathies? Let's meet at #ICHG2023 on Sat. morning. Limited to 9 attendees! Sign in at the @AfSHGenetics booth. DM me if you have questions!
#IonChannels #MedicalGenetics #RareDiseases
#RareDiseases #MedicalGenetics #ionchannels #ICHG2023 #Channelopathies
It feels strange! Most of my old #IonChannels colleagues are at #BPS2023! I fly now to #CapeTown for the amazing @ICHG2023 to meet #channelopathies friends from #ScienceInAfrica and the rest of the world!
#GenomicsInAfrica #inclusivity
#inclusivity #GenomicsInAfrica #ScienceInAfrica #Channelopathies #capetown #bps2023 #ionchannels
RT @_IonMan
Constantly in awe of #raredisease families & communities, fighting day by day to raise awareness & find treatments.
Keep up the good fight @cacna1a
#ionchannels #channelopathy https://twitter.com/cacna1a/status/1626045123581575170
#channelopathy #ionchannels #RareDisease
A new scientist is born! Varjany Vashanthakumar (biomedical master's student @uniofbern @unil) gave a fantastic short talk (her first!) at the @LS2Switzerland @LS2_ICMT symposium on #IonChannels #TRPM4 #Channelopathies. Best of luck with your next goal, dear Varjany!
#Channelopathies #trpm4 #ionchannels
Very happy (and proud) to have the first symposium of our @LS2_ICMT section of @LS2Switzerland today! A big thank you @OdeningLab and Maud Frieden for co-organizing and co-chairing this session! See you next year at @unil (Feb. 14-15, 2024). #IonChannels & #MembraneTransporters
#membranetransporters #ionchannels
RT @ionchannellib
Why does wasabi burn the nose?
See here:
#trpv1 #trpa1 #wasabi #ionchannels
#ionchannels #channelopathies - Very recommended lab for a #ephys post-doc in #Germany!
RT @IamshanovaO
#postdocposition 🧑🔬 in the lab of @LampertLabRWTH to study #sodiumchannels in the context of disease modelling of human pain ⚡️🧫
to learn more:
#SodiumChannels #postdocposition #Germany #ephys #Channelopathies #ionchannels
Fifteen years and four days.
My laboratory turned 15 years old on Wednesday. I have now been a faculty at Baylor College of Medicine (tenure-track Assistant Professor, then tenured Associate Professor, and now tenured Professor) for 15 years and 4 days.
#Immunology #Science #WomenInSTEM #WomenInScience #BiomedicalResearch #IonChannels #Autoimmunity
#autoimmunity #ionchannels #Biomedicalresearch #womeninscience #womeninstem #Science #immunology