34 years ago:
Say Anything... (US)
Lloyd, an eternal optimist, seeks to capture the heart of Diane, an unattainable high school beauty and straight-A student. He surprises just about everyone-including himself-when she returns the sentiment. But Diane's over-possessive, divorced Dad disapproves and it's going to take more than just t...
#SayAnything #CameronCrowe #JohnCusack #IoneSkye #JohnMahoney #20thCenturyFox #Film
#sayanything #cameroncrowe #johncusack #ioneskye #johnmahoney #20thcenturyfox #film
On January 12, 1989 River’s Edge debuted in Denmark. Here’s some original Ione Skye art to celebrate!
#RiversEdge #TimHunter #IoneSkye #CrimeFilm #CrimeDrama #MidnightMovies #1980s #CrimeThriller #IndependentFilm #CultClassic #TCMUnderground #FanArt #Art #PopArt
#riversedge #timhunter #ioneskye #crimefilm #crimedrama #midnightmovies #1980s #crimethriller #independentfilm #cultclassic #tcmunderground #FanArt #art #popart