Our new #NWRA_papers handle will be used to share recent publications of NWRA scientists in fundamental #fluiddynamics, #atmosphericscience, #ionospheric, #solar, and #stellar #physics, #oceanography, #statistics, #signalprocessing, #dataassimilation, and #electromagnetism.
#electromagnetism #dataassimilation #signalprocessing #statistics #oceanography #Physics #stellar #solar #ionospheric #atmosphericscience #fluiddynamics #nwra_papers
Our new #NWRA_papers handle will be used to share recent publications of NWRA scientists in fundamental #fluiddynamics, #atmosphericscience, #ionospheric, #solar, and #stellar #physics, #oceanography, #statistics, #signalprocessing, #dataassimilation, and #electromagnetism.
#electromagnetism #dataassimilation #signalprocessing #statistics #oceanography #Physics #stellar #solar #ionospheric #atmosphericscience #fluiddynamics #nwra_papers
The size and scale of these X-class flares are expected to increase with the sun nearing its solar maximum in less than two years. precursor can help. Via real-time #ionospheric mapping, our Space Weather Nowcasting enables accurate, timely situational awareness and effective operations managementfor commercial, government and defense organizations operating in space. We can help prepare for the next X-class flare and beyond.
#ionosphere #forecastnow #spaceweathernow #ionospheric
Scientists are urging communities to take the proper precautions to prepare for the next big #spaceweather event, especially since the risks are much higher and we have much more to lose - in the form of technology, assets, and dependency on modern-day tools. Not preparing despite the warnings makes it just as much our fault as the sun's but precursor can help. With out unique form of #ionospheric mapping we can #forecast space weather in real time before it hits.
#forecast #ionospheric #spaceweather
According to NOAA, the peak of the cycle will occur in July 2025, and we desperately need better #spaceweather forecasting tools to prepare. Precursor can help with our unique #ionospheric mapping model which can forecast space weather in real time and before it hits. Don't wait before next year's Perihelion (when earth is closest to the sun, which occurred last Wednesday) to prepare and as we approach our solar cycle's peak!
#mitigate #spaceweathernow #forecastnow
#forecastnow #spaceweathernow #mitigate #ionospheric #spaceweather
At precursor, we understand the importance of having the proper defenses against #spaceweather and protecting US interests at home and abroad. With our unique #ionospheric mapping technology, we can support satellites and other surveillance technology in the Arctic by forecasting space weather before it hits.
#arctic #geopolitics #spaceweathernow #forecastnow
#forecastnow #spaceweathernow #geopolitics #arctic #ionospheric #spaceweather
Our capabilities here at precursor can support the novel work of the Parker Solar Probe, and ensure that it stays safe from unruly forms of #spaceweather while conducting valuable data conduction and research of the sun. Through precursor's unique #ionospheric mapping, we can forecast space weather before it hits, protecting valuable spacecraft and assets in the air with timely and accurate forecasting. https://www.space.com/parker-solar-probe-sun-flyby-perihelion-14
Here at precursor, we can help support NOAA, along with other government agencies in better #spaceweather forecasting models, and real-time prediction technology. This is made capable through our novel #ionospheric mapping, which allows for the most accurate #space #weather prediction possible.
#weather #space #ionospheric #spaceweather