@ActionRetro granted even the cheapest #SCSI2SD and #CF2IDE adaptors and cards will feel snappier than the fastest supported #HDD|s supported by said systems, simply due to the fact that they're #Flash and don't suffer from seeking and can handle random, small #IOPS very well - which are the norm on #Desktops...
#desktops #iops #flash #hdd #cf2ide #scsi2sd
@edv_nachrichten Klint nach #DigitalSnakeoil und gute #Crypto wie #LUKS / #dmcrypt kann nicht von #Ransomware unterschieden werden auf Datenträgerebene außer durch massive Spikes an #IOPS und die wiederrum können gewollt sein!
#iops #Ransomware #dmcrypt #luks #Crypto #digitalsnakeoil
IOPs is often overrated when sizing storage solutions for Oracle workloads, as the ratio of IOPs to MBPs can vary greatly. Real examples of Oracle workloads show a significant difference between the IO requests and throughput, so basing solutions off of IOPs alone could lead to incorrect sizing. https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/data-architecture-blog/iops-is-overrated/ba-p/3710783 #Oracle #StorageSizing #IOPs
IO Peaks beim Backup/Restore sind auf alten Servern echt zum vergessen. #serveradmin #iops #backup #flashstorage #ssd #oldskool
#serveradmin #iops #backup #flashstorage #ssd #oldskool