MCAstro · @mcastro
9 followers · 10 posts · Server

The Seagull Nebula, in the constellation Monoceros.

Only a few hours to get this shot in last night as we're pretty late in the season now. I got 2h 52m worth of time before it set below my neighbor's trees in the South West. I kinda wish I'd spent more time framing up Thor's Helmet a bit better, but I was worried that I'd push the Seagull too close to the outside and start getting coma on it, too.

#astrophotography #monoceros #eosrp #ioptron #skyguiderpro #radian61 #lifepixel

Last updated 2 years ago

Ian A Smith · @ianasmith
6 followers · 6 posts · Server

@AlexSanterne @sebinthestars

4 panel mosaic of the Crescent Nebula. Zenithstar 73, flattener, ioptron cem70, ASI 2600MMC Pro and Altair triband filter. just over 10 hours total integration time.

#astronomy #photo #pictures #yourbestastropic2022 #thebestastropic2022 #zwo #asi2600mc #ioptron #cem70 #altair

Last updated 2 years ago

Richard Hendricks · @hendric
151 followers · 345 posts · Server

Since life is really busy right now, I will probably do this in stages, one at a time. My motivation will be losing 10 lbs == get one more piece. I figure that will let me space out the purchases so I can get familiar with using each piece before the next one. This will also give the HEM44 some time to get its bugs worked out and features worked in. :D

#astrophotography #poundsforphotons #Celestron #ioptron #zwo #telescope

Last updated 2 years ago