So, ich verabschiede mich dann schon mal vom Jailbreak auf'm 4er. War eh nur tethered. #ios7
#ios7 is ten. It was love at first sight.
And probably the reason I felt I could try to do my first app: no way I could have come up with skeuomorphic assets and a custom UI, as it was the trend before.
#iOS7 diagnoses why you’re depressed: you charged the #AppleVisionPro to your joint bank account without asking your partner
#iOS7 mood logging: unpleasant looks like a bluedick, happy like a buttercup
@IceCubesApp just upgraded my #iOS so I’m trying #icecubesapp. So far #impressed. I love #opensource apps. And I love the app icons. I’m so sick of the flat icons that came out with #ios7. #kudos to all. Great app!
#iOS #icecubesapp #impressed #opensource #ios7 #kudos