Marquis Kurt · @ubunturox104
9 followers · 86 posts · Server

Once this 1.2 release of is out, I might just put it in maintenance mode. There's only so much I can add to this app, and I don't think I need to cram new features into it. After all, it's just a tiny tool for writers, linguists, etc., for word generation backed by ML.

I think the only real things I want to add to the app right now are Shortcuts (via App Intents) and possibly CSV dictionary export.

#givemeasniglet #iosappdev #iosdev

Last updated 2 years ago

Marquis Kurt · @ubunturox104
9 followers · 83 posts · Server

Feels like it's been forever, but I've pushed out a new beta update for today in for and , which brings a brand-new table UI for iPads. Still a way to go before 1.2 releases, though...

#givemeasniglet #testflight #ios #ipados #iosappdev #swiftui #swift #coreml #linguistics #conlang #sniglet

Last updated 2 years ago