X mastodon official app
X metatext
X Mastoot
On to ice cubes now, liking it so far, but we shall see, I have a couple others to test still too
Bracing for the posts asking which Mastodon iOS client is best.
Mammoth is my favorite (TestFlight only right now), followed by Mastoot, then tooot.
Everyone wants Ivory by Tapbots but the TestFlight is full.
#iosclients #welcometomastodon
I really like #Metatext on iOS but lately I’ve found it a bit unresponsive and slow. Sometimes it’s freezing up completely and doesn’t refresh until I restart it. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled the app and that cleared up these problems for a bit, but they are resurfacing. I don’t know much about iOS memory allocation but this sure looks like a memory leak to me. Anyone else seeing this?
#metatext #memoryleak #metatexttip #iosclients
Trying test toot from the Tooot iOS app which at first go looks much better than the official Mastodon app. Easy to see federated and local feeds, as well as those I follow. Now seeing how well it uploads a photo, with my St Andrews Cathedral picture. Not quite ideal for photo upload because I must turn my iPad round to portrait orientation to be able to add alt text. But considerably better than the official Mastodon app. #iOS #iOSclients #MastoClient #Clients #Tooot #StAndrews #Fife #Scotland
#scotland #fife #standrews #tooot #clients #MastoClient #iosclients #ios