Compiling my custom Iosevka font
Anyone use #NerdFonts with #Iosevka? By default for me the spacing looks quite off :/
Why does #inconsolata #fonts look so good on my eyes. I've run for quite some time with #iosevka and decided to check some other fonts like Fantasque, Mononoki, CaskaydiaCove, MesloGS and Firecode. But most of them can't compete with the above two in my eyes. #linux #rice #terminal #nerdfont
#Inconsolata #fonts #iosevka #linux #rice #terminal #nerdfont
Why does #inconsolata #fonts look so good on my eyes. I've run for quite some time with #iosevka and decided to check some other fonts like Fantasque, Mononoki, CaskaydiaCove, MesloGS and Firecode. But most of them don't compared to the above two in my eyes. #linux #rice #terminal #nerdfont
#Inconsolata #fonts #iosevka #linux #rice #terminal #nerdfont
I've been using #Iosevka #font, which I saw from @eser , since a couple of weeks
I'm using as monospace, light, extended width (Iosevka Light Extended) , which looks great if you'd ask me.
> Iosevka is an open-source, sans-serif + slab-serif, monospace + quasi‑proportional typeface family, designed for writing code, using in terminals, and preparing technical documents.
Here's a random test code from #express :
#iosevka #font #express #opensource #github
Custom #Iosevka font variant using #Nix, inspired by Atkinson Hyperlegible:
Installed a new font for my terminal and that really was enough to distract me for like 3 hours
#Iosevka >>>