#Hilfe! Ich hatte vor ein paar Monaten mal einen Workaround gefunden, der (ich glaube mithilfe der Safari-Extension „Surfed“) jede #Mastodon-#URL automatisch in einer Mastodon-#App öffnet (ich hatte das dann händisch auf #Ivory angepasst). Ich glaube es basierte auf einem #iOSShortcut, den ich aus Versehen gelöscht habe. Hat jemand einen #Tipp, was das wohl war? 👀
#hilfe #mastodon #url #App #ivory #iosshortcut #Tipp
I just made a #iosshortcut for sending a Mastodon Toot to reminders with key info about the Toot.
You can check it out here: https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/b6e4b495f90a4d028beeeaca01e79f27
8. Run the shortcut from the share sheet (“Format Replay ‘22”)
9. Click the AA button to hide the toolbar
10. Scroll down as far as you can to trigger the ‘22 logo up top to reappear
And then you’re ready to screenshot!
Credit to Adam Greene for the #appleMusicReplay #iOSShortcut!
[end 2/2] #appleMusic
#applemusic #iosshortcut #applemusicreplay
How i formatted my #appleMusicReplay for sharing (first image in previous toot):
1. Download the #iOSShortcut https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/c07260087bb948ccb4420bd71e91db72
2. Turn on dark mode
3. Go to the Apple Music Replay web page https://replay.music.apple.com
4. Click “Get started”
5. Scroll down to the bottom and back up to ensure all images are preloaded
6. Click “Play your highlight reel”
7. Go to the screen that has your total listening minutes
[continued 1/2] #appleMusic
#applemusic #iosshortcut #applemusicreplay
We're forever finding the local InPost lockers are full, so I've witten this #iOSshortcut to get the current status of the nearest 5.
If you open it for editing you can put in the coordinates of your home or work or something instead of where you are right now