I might be a genius.
I’ve made an iOS Shortcut that checks the RSS feed of my favourite sites/YouTube Channels.
It gets the latest updates and then adds them to my Reading List in Safari.
Once it’s finished getting the updates, it opens Safari in Reading List read to begin!
NERD ALERT 🚨: I love iOS Shortcuts.
I have one that downloads a wallpaper from a shared iCloud album and sets it as my wallpaper.
Keeps my iPhone feeling ‘fresh’
#InstagramMediaSaver has been updated to v1.61 to account for a new listing of media ID in the HTML.
You can get the shortcut at the link below:
If you have it already, it'll prompt you to update automatically.
#instagrammediasaver #instagram #shortcuts #iosshortcuts
I just figured out how to connect #IFTTT with #Mastodon, which means I can now connect #iOSShortcuts with Mastodon. Which also means I can connect a whole galaxy of applications to Mastodon and apply conditional logic.
Now what the hell should I connect first?
#iosshortcuts #mastodon #ifttt
I made myself a quick-Toot shortcut for my home screen.
FB11875886 (Shortcuts (iOS 16.3 db1): Go To Home Screen action performs the desired action, but hangs and doesn't move on until shortcut is stopped manually)
#apple #AppleFeedback #iOS163 #ios16 #iosbeta #shortcuts #iosshortcuts #appleshortcuts
#apple #applefeedback #ios163 #iOS16 #iosbeta #shortcuts #iosshortcuts #appleshortcuts
iPadOS 15 und die Kurzbefehle-App: Zwei Apps direkt nebeneinander öffnen
#ios #ios15 noch ein bisschen früh aber als #merkzettel schon mal in meinen Bookmarks gesichert. #kurzbefehl #shortcuts #iosshortcuts
#iosshortcuts #shortcuts #Kurzbefehl #merkzettel #iOS15 #ios