Indiana lost more than 260 acres of wetlands since rolling back protections
#ycombinator #IPB #wetlands
Trying to get #Mastodon verification working by pasting the rel=me link into my #IPB site and encountering that it isn't working. Are there any #InvisionPowerBoard experts around to offer some hints?
#mastodon #ipb #invisionpowerboard
„Es braucht Persönlichkeiten, die abseits des politischen Geschäfts mit beiden Beinen im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs stehen und aufklärend intervenieren. Cornelia Betsch ist eine solche Persönlichkeit. Ich danke allen, die dieses Institut vorangebracht haben“, so Kulturminister und Chef der Staatskanzlei Prof. Dr. Benjamin-Immanuel Hoff bei der feierlichen Eröffnung des Institute for Planetary Health Behaviour (#IPB) auf dem Campus der #UniversitätErfurt.
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Il governo del Regno Unito sta inviando proiettili all'uranio impoverito da utilizzare nei carri armati #Challenger 2 donati all'#Ucraina, una mossa che #CND (la campagna per il disarmo nucleare) ha condannato come un ulteriore disastro ambientale e sanitario per coloro che vivono durante il conflitto.
CND condemns #UK decision to send depleted uranium shells to Ukraine – #IPB – International Peace Bureau
#Challenger #ucraina #CND #uk #ipb
#IPB Call to Action – On the First Anniversary of the #Russia|n #Invasion of #Ukraine: Let’s Show That There Are Peaceful #Alternatives to #War
#ipb #Russia #invasion #Ukraine #alternatives #war #StopWarNow
I miss it when traditional #forums ruled the internet like #phpbb #smf #vbulletin #ipb #mybb instead of #facebook with their groups function.
Who else agrees with me?
#internet #web #meta #community #php #html #sql #css #bbs #bulletin #software #tech
#forums #phpbb #smf #vbulletin #ipb #mybb #facebook #internet #web #meta #community #php #html #sql #css #bbs #bulletin #software #tech
Internet Provider Berlin #ipb has a great many customers,, and among them. anniversary
Internet Provider Berlin #ipb has a great many customers,, and among them. anniversary