Press briefing des @smc_germany zum Bericht des Weltbiodiversitätsrates zu invasiven gebietsfremden Arten mit den geschätzten Kollegen Sven Bacher (Uni Fribourg) und @HannoSeebens (BIK-F Senckenberg) jetzt auf YT
Today we had the pleasure to start the #AlterNetSummerSchool with @wolfgangcramer talking about climate change, biodiversity and intergovernmental processes
#ipbes #ipcc #sciencepolicyinterface #biodiversity #climatechange #alternetsummerschool
Assessing the massive costs of biological invasions to Australia and the world
#ipbes #biodiversity #invasivespecies
From toads to bugs, UN says #invasivespecies rising at ‘unprecedented rate’
Landmark report says invasive species are a major threat to #biodiversity and require countries to work together to stop their spread. #UN Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (#IPBES) said the global economic cost of invasive alien species exceeded $423bn annually in 2019, with costs having at least quadrupled every decade since 1970.
#invasivespecies #biodiversity #un #ipbes
Hoy un tema pepino. Ayer se hizo público el último informe de la IPBES sobre especies invasoras. Hoy, en #MuyVary, os hago un resumen.
Las especies invasoras representan un desafío urgente para la biodiversidad y la economía mundial
#MuyVary #especiesinvasoras #biodiversidad #ipbes
Woohoo! The #IPBES report on #InvasiveAlienSpecies is out. It was a privilege to contribute to this important report.
Invasive species such as feral cats are the number-one driver of biodiversity loss in Australia, UN report shows
"Australia is the mammal extinction capital of the world and cats have played a role in two-thirds of mammal extinctions over the last 200 years"
"Every year, cats kill 2 billion reptiles, birds and mammals in Australia. That's almost 6 million every night."
"Australia has close to 3,000 invasive alien species estimated to cost Australia approximately $25 billion every year in losses to agriculture and management costs," CSIRO chief research scientist for biosecurity Andy Sheppard said."
"The report "found 45 per cent of all countries did not invest in the management of biological invasions and only 17 per cent had national laws or regulations addressing the problem".
#IPBES #biodiversity #extinction #prevention #degradation #cats #roaming #pets #regulation #200years
#ipbes #biodiversity #extinction #prevention #degradation #cats #roaming #pets #regulation #200years
🌍 Bild des Wochenendes, das alles sagt.
„Wenn der Wind der Veränderung weht, bauen die einen Mauern - die anderen Windmühlen.“
#Klimakrise #ClimateCrisis #BiodiversitätsKrise #IPCC #IPBES #GreenDeal #GGArt20A
#klimakrise #climatecrisis #biodiversitatskrise #ipcc #ipbes #GreenDeal #ggart20a
The team of the #IPBES TransformativeChange Assessment has gathered at #IPBES10 in Bonn to get a feeling for the appetite of plenary for the transformations we need #ForNature and #ForPeople
#ipbes #ipbes10 #ForNature #forpeople
Morgen gibt’s einen spannenden Vortrag mit Prof. Dr. Joseph Settele (Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung) "Bericht des Weltbiodiversitätsrates (#IPBES) - Notstand Artensterben ausrufen?"
Mittwoch, 30.08.2023, 19:15 Uhr, Poppelsdorfer Schloss, Uni Bonn.
Prof. Dr. Josef Settele ist Mitglied im Umweltrat der Bundesregierung und beschäftigt sich insbesondere mit der biologischen Vielfalt im Zusammenhang mit der Landnutzung.
Physik Nobelpreisträger John F. #Clauser so in einer Rede in Korea und in der #Weltwoche heute: Ich nenne kein einziges Argument aber behaupte mal steil es gäbe keine #Klimakrise.
#ipbes #ipcc #klimakrise #weltwoche #Clauser
En #Naiz
La revista #Nature ha publicado hoy un artículo sobre los valores de la naturaleza firmado por el investigador vasco #UnaiPascual. Está basado en el informe de #Ipbes #2022 y apunta a la causa de las crisis de #biodiversidad y #climática: la primacía de visiones cortoplacistas ligadas al mercado.
#naiz #nature #unaipascual #ipbes #biodiversidad #climatica #ciencia #ecologia
New paper out investigating relational learning as part of the #IPBES Values Assessment.
New paper out showing #relationallearning and multiple reflexivity outcomes that occurred during #ipbes #valuesassessment
#ValuesAssessment #ipbes #relationallearning
New paper published with Louise Willemen, Seb O’Connor & Meine van Noordwijk, “Nature living in, from, with, and as people: exploring a
mirrored use of the Life Framework of Values”, in special issue of Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability on #ValuesAndDecisions
The Life Frames articulate 4 ways nature matters to people: living in, from, with, and as nature. We explore whether mirroring the frames can provide new insights into nature-human relationships.
#ipbes #sustainability #valuesanddecisions
If people live in, from, with, as nature....could we use that framing also clarify how 'nature' relates to us?
A bit thought-provoking but useful exercise to add further nuance to the way we talk about human-nature relations.
We cannot move forward with business as usual for nature. That is the message of a new report by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), which warns that the world is facing a triple crisis of biodiversity loss, climate change, and pandemic risk. The report calls for transformative changes in how we produce, consume, and govern to ensure a healthy and resilient future for people and nature.
Rouler vers le boulot et éviter un escargot ?
#velo #velotaf #ipbes #limitesplanetaires #plaisir
#plaisir #limitesplanetaires #ipbes #velotaf #velo
New NIOO publication: New paths for #modelling #freshwater nature futures. #sustainablewateruse #freshwaterecosystems #naturefuturesframework #ipbes
#modelling #freshwater #sustainablewateruse #freshwaterecosystems #naturefuturesframework #ipbes
Élaboré par 145 experts de 50 pays, le rapport 2019 de l'IPBES est une ressource essentielle pour argumenter sur la question de la biodiversité.
Un résumé en français est disponible ici :
J'ai travaillé sur une infographie avec quelques chiffres clés du rapport, vous pouvez l'utiliser librement et la diffuser largement 🙂