Have a look at the new preprint by our #BACCARAfellow Elina Nazmutdinova and coworkers on "Water-mediated synthesis of halide solid #electrolyte and conducting polymer hybrid materials for all solid-state #batteries". They developed a water-mediated one-pot synthesis of Li3InCl6 with PEDOT:PSS for use as catholyte component and tested it in combination with NMC particles. https://chemrxiv.org/engage/chemrxiv/article-details/640205d937e01856dc1677b7
#iPECLab #battchat @MicrotoPico
#battchat #ipeclab #batteries #electrolyte #baccarafellow
Please have a look at the newest publication of our #BACCARAfellow Henry Woolley, dealing with a review on hybrid solid-liquid electrolyte systems for (almost) solid state #batteries.
Henry works in the #iPECLab under supervision of Dr. Nella Vargas-Barbosa.
#battchat #ASSB
#assb #battchat #ipeclab #batteries #baccarafellow
Please have a look at the newest publication of our #BACCARAfellow Henry Woolley, dealing with a review on hybrid solid-liquid electrolyte systems for (almost) solid state #batteries.
Henry works in the #iPECLab under supervision of Dr. Nella Vargas-Barbosa.
#battchat #ASSB
#assb #battchat #ipeclab #batteries #baccarafellow