« Les Mondes de Saturne » récompensé par le prix Ciel & Espace du livre d’astronomie 2023. Ecrit par Alice Le Gall (), Sandrine Guerlet (), Sandrine Vinatier () et Sébastien Charnoz (), ce livre synthèse la fantastique mission Cassini-Huygens autour de la planète aux anneaux (2004-2017).


#latmos #lmd #lesia #ipgp

Last updated 2 years ago

Mark Wieczorek · @mrak
267 followers · 2 posts · Server solarsystem.social

Now that I have a new home on solarsystem.social, here's a new !

I am a scientist working at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris () in France. My research uses the field, , and of the planets to decipher their internal structure and geologic evolution. My favorite terrestrial body is the , but I also work with , , and . Soon I will need to learn about and the icy satellites of !


#introduction #planetary #ipgp #gravity #topography #magneticfield #moon #mercury #venus #mars #psyche #jupiter

Last updated 2 years ago

Now that we have moved our home to solarsystem.social, it's time for a new !

We are the and Space Sciences group at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (). Members of our group are involved in developing planetary seismometers, such as for the mission that operated on and the upcoming Farside Seismic Suite that will land on the farside of the .

#introduction #planetary #ipgp #insight #mars #moon

Last updated 2 years ago