Project of the day (day 2) 2023, Thursday, August 24th
#WacOS :
WacOS is an operating system project that aims to allow the look, feel, and functionality of all #Apple operating systems and bundled software (including, but not limited to: System 1-6, Classic #MacOS, Mac OS X, OS X, MacOS (modern), #iPhoneOS, #iOS, #iPadOS, #NewtonOS, S.O.S, GS/OS, #tvOS, #NeXTSTEP, #watchOS, #Siri, #MacPaint, #MacWrite, etc.) in an open-source, and unrestricted way.
WacOS is also a dual-kernel operating system, which utilizes both the #Linux Kernel and the #Darwin Kernel.
It is a major project, with over a hundred repositories, but it isn't functional yet. It is also my second most popular project (as of 2023, Thursday, August 24th) with 41 stars. It is a major endeavor, and needs some love. It is written in over 50 different programming languages, due to its complexity and its scale. Anyone who is interested can start a discussion, raise an issue, or send a pull request.
#wacos #Apple #macos #iphoneos #iOS #ipados #NewtonOS #tvos #nextstep #watchos #Siri #macpaint #macwrite #linux #darwin
macOS/iPhoneOS question - is there a good solution for manually changing the Sound Check/normalization settings for certain files? It's usually okay, but some tracks are way too quiet and others end up distorted, so I just turned it off for now.
#macos #iphoneos #soundcheck #audioquestions
Tomorrow, Apple will shut down My Photo Stream, after 12 years of service.
I wrote the code that ran the service on iOS devices back in 2010, and it has been faithfully syncing hundreds of millions of photos between iPhones and iPads and their respective macOS Photo libraries for more than a decade. It survived the introduction to iCloud’s Shared Photo Streams (I also wrote its client software), the shutdown of Aperture, and the introduction of iCloud Photo Library. And today, we finally bid it goodbye.
It’s been a good 12 years. 1000 photos, hosted for 30 days, for free, so you can save them on your Mac—those were the days, eh?
#Apple #iPhone #iOS #iPhoneOS #macOS #photography #softwareDevelopment
#apple #iphone #ios #iphoneos #macos #photography #softwaredevelopment
Pamiętacie jak kiedyś można było wrzucać wpisy na Twittera i Facebooka bezpośrednio z #iPhoneOS? Byłem oburzony kiedy zabrali tę funkcję. Teraz wolałbym coś takiego dla Fediwersum, chociaż nie mam pewności czy zabrane miejsce byłoby poświęceniem wartym oszczędzonego czasu.
#iOS #iPhone #Apple #retro
#iphoneos #ios #iphone #apple #retro
touchHLE bringt alte iPhone-Spiele auf den Rechner
Das Open-Source-Projekt touchHLE besetzt eine so kleine Nische, dass die Existenz des für Windows und Mac verfügbaren Softwareangebotes bemerkenswert ist. Bei touchHLE, der Name deutet es an, handelt es sich um einen High-Level-Emulator (HLE), zum Ausführen älterer iPhone-Spiele auf Mac und PC. Spielt Games für iPhone OS 2.0 Das Projekt konzentriert sich dabei auf die […]
#News #emulator #iPhone #iphoneos #Mac #Spiele #windows
Eine #Entwicklerin hat es geschafft, einen #Emulator zu kreieren, mit dem sich alte #iPhone-#Klassiker auf einem #Computer spielen lassen. Zum 15. Geburtstag der #iPhoneSDK hat @hikari ein Tool namens #touchHLE veröffentlicht, das alte #Apps für #iPhoneOS direkt auf einem #Mac oder #Windows-#PC emuliert.
Mehr Infos:
#appgefahren #Apple #SuperMonkeyBall #CrashBandicootNitroKart3D #Spiele
#entwicklerin #emulator #iphone #klassiker #computer #iphonesdk #touchhle #apps #iphoneos #mac #windows #pc #appgefahren #Apple #supermonkeyball #crashbandicootnitrokart3d #spiele
Emulating an iPod Touch 1G and #iPhoneOS 1.0 using QEMU (Part II)
Emulating an iPod Touch 1G and #iPhoneOS 1.0 using QEMU (Part I)
Virtualizing iPhoneOS 1.0 #Retrocomputing #PhoneHacks #iphoneOS #iphone #qemu
#Retrocomputing #PhoneHacks #iphoneos #iphone #qemu
Virtualizing iPhoneOS 1.0 - Virtualizing computers is nothing new. However, Apple devices always present chall... - #retrocomputing #phonehacks #iphoneos #iphone #qemu
#qemu #iphone #iphoneos #phonehacks #retrocomputing