#Amazon become obsessed with #drones and delivery, but that was at least short lived, because they were unable to come up with a solution to slingshots.
#Apple had the 3D touch, which was very cool for phones, but it just wasn't adopted and they ditched to make the phones cheaper, by keeping the price exactly the same.
#Apple was also obsessed with their "No stylus" idea and #SteveJobs legacy, but realised that #Samsung was right about the stylus and that some people want it. Ergo, the #ApplePen was born.
#Apple also teased #Samsung for too big phones and screens. Remember the Note launch? People were just shitting on it for months. Which phone is now bigger, #iPhoneUltra or #S23?
#amazon #drones #Apple #SteveJobs #samsung #applepen #iphoneultra #s23
That feeling when the Sun (UK) newspaper asks for picture permission and you ignore them twice. Nope.
Jesus, #IphoneUltra has my name written all over it. Just because. Ugh.
🤦🏻♀️ Im a sucker for punishment.
https://mastodon.social/@macrumors/109823754613371172 https://mastodon.social/@macrumors/109823754613371172
Jesus, #IphoneUltra has my name written all over it. Just because. Ugh.
Concepts imagine all-new titanium “iPhone Ultra” https://www.theapplepost.com/2023/02/07/concepts-imagine-all-new-titanium-iphone-ultra/
#AppleNews #AppleWatchUltra #iPhone14 #iPhone14Plus #iPhone14Pro #iPhone14ProMax #iPhone15 #iPhone15Pro #iPhoneUltra
#AppleNews #applewatchultra #iphone14 #iPhone14Plus #iPhone14Pro #iPhone14ProMax #iphone15 #iphone15pro #iphoneultra
iPhone Ultra design imagined based on titanium Apple Watch Ultra
#iphone #apple #iphoneultra #fediverse #LooknijTo #ObczajTo #news #technology #smartfons #polska
#iphone #apple #iphoneultra #fediverse #looknijto #obczajto #news #technology #smartfons #polska
I’m pretty sure this isn’t what Apple is planning for their rumored “iPhone Ultra,” but personally, I rather like it!
#Apple #iPhone #iPhoneUltra #AppleWatchUltra
#apple #iphone #iphoneultra #applewatchultra
iPhone Ultra: Apple soll Smartphone oberhalb des Pro Max planen https://www.computerbase.de/2023-02/iphone-ultra-apple-soll-smartphone-oberhalb-des-pro-max-planen/ #iPhoneUltra #Apple
iPhone Ultra 要來了?傳蘋果將最快在 2024 年推出 iPhone 16 Ultra
#iPhone16 #iPhoneUltra #news #新聞 #technews #iphonenews #apple新聞 #蘋果新聞 #applenews #科技新聞
#科技新聞 #applenews #蘋果新聞 #Apple新聞 #iphonenews #technews #新聞 #news #iphoneultra #iPhone16
iPhone: Apple-Chef sieht Markt für zusätzliche Premium-Klasse
Im Anschluss an die Bekanntgabe der Finanzzahlen der vergangenen drei Monate im vergangenen Jahr hat sich Apple-Chef Tim Cook wie gewohnt den Fragen von Reportern und Analysten gestellt. Dabei wurde deutlich, dass Apple in der Produktsparte iPhone durchaus noch das Potenzial sieht, zusätzliche Gewinne zu erwirtschaften. Recht konkret hat Cook in diesem Zusammenhang auf darauf […]
Höhere Preise fürs iPhone 15 Pro Max und ein Ultra?
Der CEO von Apple, Tim Cook, hat in einem Interview Spekulationen über höhere Preise für das kommende iPhone 15 Pro Max angeheizt.
Cook betonte
#Feature #iPhone #AppleWatchSerie #CPUs #faltbaresiPhone #Funktionen #High-End-Reihe #höherePreise #iPhone15ProMax #iPhoneUltra #Materialien #optischerZoom #Periskopkamera #Spekulationen #TimCook
#feature #iphone #applewatchserie #cpus #faltbaresiphone #funktionen #high #hoherepreise #iphone15promax #iphoneultra #materialien #optischerzoom #periskopkamera #spekulationen #timcook
Apple rumored to launch new, more expensive “iPhone Ultra” https://www.theapplepost.com/2023/02/05/apple-rumored-to-launch-new-more-expensive-iphone-ultra/
#AppleNews #iPhone14 #iPhone14Plus #iPhone14Pro #iPhone14ProMax #iPhone15 #iPhone15Pro #iPhoneUltra
#AppleNews #iphone14 #iPhone14Plus #iPhone14Pro #iPhone14ProMax #iphone15 #iphone15pro #iphoneultra
RT @appledsign
We have the Apple M1 Ultra Chip, a new Apple Watch Ultra, so we also need an iPhone 14 Ultra! Right? Would you buy this btw? #iphoneultra #applewatchultra #iPhone14Pro
#iPhone14Pro #applewatchultra #iphoneultra