quick reviews of #anime I'd recently finished:
#IpponAgain - standard sports anime elevated by the focus on female characters. Gotta love a stubborn protag-chan who takes defeat with a smile and a vow to do better next time.
Rating: 3.5/5
#UncleFromAnotherWorld - those sick of isekai as a genre will appreciate this comedic (also dark, endearing, and unique) take on what happens when an isekai'er returns to Earth after years of fantasy adventuring.
Rating: 4/5
#anime #ipponagain #unclefromanotherworld
I finished off watching #Bofuri season 2, which felt like more of the same schtick that made season 1 refreshing and appealing. The fun is starting to fray around the edges, though. At least Maple Tree and their fellow guilds hold a lot of entertaining characters who are just as strange and fun to watch as Maple.
Rolling onward, my next #anime watch is #IpponAgain, a sports anime about judo and also feels.
I think a large part of #IpponAgain being so much fun is that there’s this, for want of better words, joyful innocence and enthusiasm for judo in the characters we’ve met so far.
Mou Ippon! - Ippon again! Episode 04
#anime #japananime #animeupdate #animetv_jp #animesub #zanpaku_id #MouIppon #Ipponagain
#ipponagain #mouippon #zanpaku_id #animesub #animetv_jp #animeupdate #japananime #Anime
@shoshoctopus #IpponAgain (on HIDIVE) is doing some interesting things. It’s a girls judo series that, at least as far as I can tell, is taking the sport seriously… and still managing to be a really sweet show about the relationships of the girls in the team.
I mean here are the #Winter2020Anime shows that I’m still watching:
#KanColle (assuming it solves its scheduling issues and actually delivers another episode) (Shigure still needs all the hugs)
#FarmingLifeInAnotherWorld (Yes it’s a harem show, but pleasant enough for what it is)
#winter2020anime #thetaleofoutcasts #saving80000goldinanotherworldformyretirement #theangelnextdoorspoilsmerotten #strongestexorcist #reborntomastertheblade #campfirecookinginanotherworld #ningenfushin #sugarapplefairytale #reincarnatedprincess #bofuri #handymansaitouinanotherworld #theiceguyandhiscoolfemalecolleague #inspectre #kancolle #farminglifeinanotherworld #ipponagain #kubowontletmebeinvisible
#IpponAgain is really a sweet show. Which is not something I ever expected to say about a Judo anime that takes the sport SERIOUSLY.