Speaking with the parole board tomorrow to request they deny parole to my daughter's murderer.
The DA's office had agreed to a 35 year sentence for felony murder of a high school student. The killer was supposed to testify against his accomplice but then refused.
After 17 years later he expects to be set free after killing my only child.
Shame on the Travis County DA's office for mismanaging the case.
I can only hope the parole board does a better job.
#abolition #IPV
Megan Thee Stallion; Abolition Cannot Wait
“Abolition truly can't wait. And this case should be such a clear and fresh example for why that's true. We need to remember that abolition extends far beyond the four walls. Figurative (and open air) prisons are all around us, and they must be abolished, too.”
Meine IP-Adresse auf der Kommandozeile
Es gibt im Internet Seiten, die beim Aufruf die eigene IP-Adresse verraten. Ich bräuchte aber einen Kommandozeilenbefehl, der mir diese Information liefert.
#GitHub #Internet #IPv #IPv #LinuxundOpenSource #ctTippsTricks #news
#github #internet #ipv #linuxundopensource #cttippstricks #news
Cloud: AWS legt Kosten für rare IPv4-Adressen auf Kundschaft um
Weil es zunehmend teurer werde, IPv4-Adressen zu beschaffen, verlangt AWS von Kunden seiner Cloud-Dienste demnächst eine Service-Gebühr.
#Amazon #AmazonWebServices #CloudComputing #CloudDienste #IPAdressen #IPv #IPv #Netze #news
#amazon #amazonwebservices #cloudcomputing #clouddienste #ipadressen #ipv #netze #news
The Injury and Violence Prevention Branch of the California Dept. of Public Health is funding local organizations to implement domestic and sexual violence prevention approaches focused on strengthening economic security and mobility for Black women and their families.
Letters of intent are due Aug. 4, 2023.
#Funding #Opportunity #DV #IPV #ViolencePrevention #InjuryPrevention
#funding #opportunity #dv #ipv #violenceprevention #InjuryPrevention
Jonah Hill's Ex Sarah Brady Shares Text Conversations with Actor and Accuses Him of Emotional Abuse
The texts show Hill allegedly trying to control what Brady posts on social media and who she hangs out with.
https://www.teenvogue.com/story/jonah-hill-accused-of-emotional-abuse #DV #GBV #IPV
Rosanna Bellini will be giving a talk hosted by StrathCyber on her CHI best paper winning work "Paying the Price: When Intimate Partners Use Technology for Financial Harm". This will be on 31st May 13:00-14:00 in Room LT5.11, Livingstone Tower, Richmond Street, Glasgow, G1 1XH and on Zoom (details on request). You can book tickets through Eventbrite. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/paying-the-price-when-intimate-partners-use-technology-for-financial-harm-tickets-638103834747 #CyberSecurity #FinancialHarm #DomesticAbuse #IPV
#cybersecurity #financialharm #domesticabuse #ipv
📚 The 2021 YRBSS (Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System) survey results were released by the CDC today.
⭐ Although it's great to see that bullying #s continue to decrease, it is frustrating that all other forms of violence are on the increase.
This is not at all surprising: schools / parents / govt are far more honest with themselves about bullying and its dangers than they are about IPV.
😞 Funding for dating violence and sexual violence is dangerously and shamefully inconsistent.
▪️ Poor mental health and suicidal ideation are on the increase for most youth groups.
▪️ 11% of high school students experienced sexual violence within the past 12 mos.
▪️ % of female students experiencing sexual violence has increased from 2017 to 2021.
🌐 https://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/data/yrbs/index.htm
@publichealth @sociology @stopTDV #PublicHealth #Violence #Prevention #SAAM #IPV #Education #Teaching
#s #publichealth #violence #prevention #saam #ipv #education #teaching
👊Intimate partner violence is not a homogenous phenomenon, and interventions need to be tailored to address the specific needs of different groups, according to @Griffith_Uni and @QUT
#IPV #domesticviolence #publichealth
#ipv #domesticviolence #publichealth
One in four #men in #Scotland in #SameSexRelationships experiences #violence- and #stigma makes finding help difficult
#IPV #DomesticAbuse #gay #bisexual #LGBTQ+
#lgbtq #bisexual #gay #domesticabuse #ipv #stigma #violence #samesexrelationships #scotland #men
Many Western media covered the hunger strike in 2021 and the EU diplomats showing support for him. But we found no Western media reported the press conference although it was held at Foreign Correspondents' Club Japan.
Watch the presser and see how the media were complicit with the abusive husband's post-separation abuse.
Also, journalists, why do you think an abusive father who threatens his family should be granted parental contact? #DV #IPV
We know more about the lifetime consequences of brain injury in the tiny sliver of humanity that played professional sports than we do in the untold millions of women who have suffered concussions at the hands of violent partners. #ipv #DonesticViolence
😞 In 2020 the # of minors killed in domestic violence shootings jumped 49%.
Kids are much more likely to be shot at home than school.
News coverage of shootings is very selective. This is a problem. If people are not informed about these dangers then that means they aren't discussing them.
⭐ We need public discourse in order to properly inform public policy.
#Media #News #PublicHealth #Policy #Guns #IPV #DomesticViolence #Journalism #CriminalJustice
#media #news #publichealth #policy #guns #ipv #domesticviolence #journalism #criminaljustice
Ottawa city council declares intimate partner violence (IPV) an epidemic
⭐ IPV, among other impacts, is Canada's #1 reason for women's homelessness.
#ipv #publichealth #prevention #domesticviolence
📚 Interparental Coercive Control and Child and Family Outcomes: A Systematic Review.
The ongoing dangers of coercive control:
“CC [coercive control] was associated with increased parental psychopathology, poorer family functioning, harsher parenting and higher levels of child abuse, strained parent-child relationships, children used as tools and co-victims of CC, increased risk of child internalizing and externalizing problems, limited socializing opportunities, increased bullying, poorer perinatal outcomes, limited access to healthcare, and increased risk of child mortality. Evidence identified CC as a unique contributor to adverse child wellbeing outcomes, independent of exposure to IPV more broadly.”
🌐 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36573654/ (Abstract only; paywalled research.)
@sociology #PublicHealth #Prevention #ACEs #IPV #Trauma #CoerciveControl
#publichealth #prevention #aces #ipv #trauma #coercivecontrol
2021 study on domestic violence in Turkmenistan: 12% of women respondents reported experiencing #IPV & 41% experiencing social control, while 60% said husband can beat his wife if she fails to abide by societal norms & marital rape is not violence.
UN's 2019 report: 8 out of every 10 women in Tajikistan experienced #DV at least once in their lifetime. Only 1 in 10 women take action to stop the violence as many are afraid or ashamed of reporting or talking about abuse.
Around 60% of women aged 15-49 in Kazakhstan have experienced partner violence. Some 70%-90% of women do not turn to the police, or refuse to lodge a complaint about domestic violence.
In Kyrgyzstan, most women who were killed by their husbands were already in abusive relationships. Many women in abusive relationships choose not to press charges against their partners, in part due to pressure from relatives to stay silent.
https://thediplomat.com/2023/03/international-womens-day-flowers-or-the-language-of-force-for-women-in-central-asia/ #DV #GBV #IPV