Currently, #CacheCreekBC is the most polluted city in BC with 110 AQI (Can), #LangleyBC the 3rd, #FortStJohnBC the 5th and #AbbotsfordBC the 9th most polluted city.
British Columbia Air Quality Index (AQI) and Canada Air Pollution | IQAir
#AirQuality #AirQualityBC #AirPollution #Wildfires #WildfiresBC #IQAir
#cachecreekbc #langleybc #fortstjohnbc #abbotsfordbc #airquality #airqualitybc #airpollution #wildfires #wildfiresbc #iqair
"#JAKARTA, #Indonesia – Indonesia’s capital Jakarta topped the list as the world’s most polluted city on Wednesday, having consistently ranked among the 10 most polluted cities globally since May, according to data by Swiss air quality technology company #IQAir." #AirPollution #TootSEA
Indonesia's capital named world's most polluted city
#tootsea #AirPollution #iqair #indonesia #jakarta
Curses to the #gnome extension developers who do not include a "Index on Panel" open in addition to "Position on Panel" and thus ruining my ability to precisely place their plugin where I want it relative to other plugins.
#gnome #tophat #iqair #linux #extensions
Global News BC: More temperature records broken in B.C. as smoky heat wave lingers #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #TemperatureRecords #EnvironmentCanada #Weatherrecords #AirPollution #SmokeWarning #Environment #cachecreek #HeatRecord #Weather #hotday #IQAir
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #temperaturerecords #EnvironmentCanada #weatherrecords #airpollution #smokewarning #environment #cachecreek #heatrecord #Weather #hotday #iqair
Ochladilo se a kvalita vzduchu jde klasicky jedním směrem - tím horším.
Protože jsem se rozhodl měřit kvalitu i osobními prostředky, tak můžu zobrazovat srovnání mezi stanicí od #chmi a zařízením komunitní sítě #purpleair. Jsou od sebe 2km vzdušnou čarou a #purpleair je v oblasti se zástavbou rodinných domů. které k znečištění výrazně přispívají.
#ostrava #aqi #ovzdusi #smog #iqair
#chmi #purpleair #ostrava #aqi #ovzdusi #smog #iqair
RT @EricTheMudguard
Air pollution Thailand. #thailand #airpollution #iqair
#thailand #airpollution #iqair