Why Iran’s International Break Will Be a Disaster #2026FIFAWorldCup #2026WorldCup #2030FIFAWorldCup #2030WorldCup #AmirAbedzadeh #AngolaVs.Iran #BulgariaVs.Iran #DeadBallTV #FIFA2026 #FIFA2030 #FIFAWorldCup #FifaWorldCup2026 #FIFAWorldCup2030 #Iran #IranFootball #IranVs.Angola #IranVs.Bulgaria #IranianNationalTeam #maqwell #TeamMelli #WorldCup #WorldCup2026 #WorldCup2030
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Je vous recommande cet article de La Presse : Le courage des Iraniens, la lâcheté de la #FIFA #Qatar2022 #IranFootball
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Quel courage 💪💪💪 👏 #IranRevoIution2022 #QatarWorldCup2022 #Iranfootball
⚡️ BREAKING: #Iran football team captain defies regime, backs protests: “We have to accept that conditions in our country are not right & our people are not happy. They should know that we are with them. And we support them. And we sympathize with them regarding the conditions.”
#Iran #iranfootball #QatarWorldCup2022 #iranrevoiution2022