Global News BC: Campaign aims to put spotlight on children killed by Iranian regime #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #iranianchildrentortured #iranianchildrenkilled #IranianGovernment #iranianchildren #iranactivist #iranprotests #irantorture #iranmurder #Iranregime #World #Iran #IRGC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #iranianchildrentortured #iranianchildrenkilled #iraniangovernment #iranianchildren #iranactivist #iranprotests #irantorture #iranmurder #Iranregime #world #Iran #irgc
Good to see some UK press highlighting the death sentence handed to #MohammedNasiri, sentenced to die for giving out chocolate and hugs to protestors. The more we amplify his name the harder it is for the #IranianGovernment to carry this out. He is 21 years old.
#mohammednasiri #iraniangovernment #deathpenalty #iran #MahsaAmini #women