"Mahsa Amini died after being arrested by Iran’s morality police on 16 September 2022, sparking protests across the country, and an eruption in creative resistance followed. Woman, Life, Freedom, a book edited by Malu Halasa, documents the people and art of the struggle and is published by Saqi Books"
#MahsaAmini #iran #iranprotests #azadi #WomanLifeFreedom
Le soulèvement populaire et féministe iranien
Atelier de la 15è université d'été du NPA avec #SaraSelami (militante franco-iranienne, membre de SSTI), #ChowraMakaremi (anthropologue) et #BabakKia (militant franco-iranien, membre de SSTI et du NPA)
#Iran #IranProtests #IranProtests2022 #IranProtests2023 #IranRevolution2022 #IranRevolution2023 #FemmeVieLiberté
#saraselami #chowramakaremi #babakkia #iran #iranprotests #IranProtests2022 #iranprotests2023 #iranrevolution2022 #iranrevolution2023 #femmevieliberte
« #ChowraMakaremi développe son anlayse dans un ouvrage à paraître le 7 septembre 2023, "Femme ! Vie ! Liberté !" aux éditions La Découverte. »
#chowramakaremi #femmevieliberte #livres #iran #iranprotests
« Le 16 septembre 2022, la mort d'une jeune femme, #JinaMahsaAmini, provoque le soulèvement de la population iranienne. [ ]. A l'approche du premier anniversaire de ces événements, l'anthropologue #ChowraMakaremi analyse pour nous comment ce mouvement s'inscrit dans l'histoire longue de la République islamique»
#Iran : la révolution des femmes a pris racine
#IranProtests #IranProtests2022 #IranProtests2023 #IranRevolution2022 #IranRevolution2023 #FemmeVieLiberté
#JinaMahsaAmini #chowramakaremi #iran #iranprotests #IranProtests2022 #iranprotests2023 #iranrevolution2022 #iranrevolution2023 #femmevieliberte
The Iranian regime’s is in a losing fight against students #IranProtests https://english.mojahedin.org/article/the-iranian-regimes-is-in-a-losing-fight-against-students/
Telecom retirees in #Iran resume protests as authorities continue to deprive them of their rights #IranProtests https://english.mojahedin.org/news/telecom-retirees-in-iran-resume-protests-as-authorities-continue-to-deprive-them-of-their-rights/
Wer lieber zuhört, finde hier zwei tolle Episoden zur aktuellen Situation im Iran:
- Denkangebot Podcast von @kattascha : Golineh Atai über den Protest im Iran und den Mut der Frauen
Webseite der Episode: https://www.denkangebot.org/allgemein/golineh-atai-ueber-den-protest-im-iran-und-den-mut-der-frauen/
- Dissens: #221 Iran: "Der Zerfall der Islamischen Republik hat bereits begonnen"
mit Gilda Sahebi
Webseite der Episode https://podcast.dissenspodcast.de/221-iran
#iran #IranRevolution #iranprotests
Weil alles, was die Iran Revolution angeht leider medial so in den Hintergrund gerät, ein paar Tipps:
- Der Bot https://mastodon.social/@irannachrichten ,
der Tweets von
ins Fediverse bringt, welche sehr viele Informationen aus dem Land teilen.
#iran #IranRevolution #iranprotests
Iran’s theocracy is pushing to make businesses the new battleground over mandatory headscarves. This comes ahead of the first anniversary of nationwide protests after a 22-year-old woman died in the custody of the country’s morality police. The Associated Press reports: https://flip.it/Vr.Xtm
#News #WorldNews #Iran #IranProtests #MahsaAmini
#news #worldnews #iran #iranprotests #mahsaamini
Die Staatsanwaltschaft Hannover ermittelt gegen den iranischen Richter Hussein-Ali Najeri, dieser war unter anderem 1988 für Massenhinrichtungen von politischen Gefangenen verantwortlich. #Iran #IranRevolution #IranProtests #Hinrichtungen
#iran #iranrevolution #iranprotests #hinrichtungen
Iran: Protests over water outages, economic woes, and government corruption #IranProtests https://english.mojahedin.org/news/iran-protests-over-water-outages-economic-woes-and-government-corruption/
Sanandaj- #Irán
Los jubilados del gobierno realizan una manifestación frente al fondo de jubilación, exigiendo pensiones más altas de acuerdo con las leyes del régimen y protestando por la alta inflación, los altos precios, la falta de seguro médico.
#iranprotests #iran #freeiran2023
Water shortages trigger protests in Iran
SING FOR YOUR SISTERS | Bochum singt für die Frauen im Iran https://youtu.be/0hetlP3y098 a través de @YouTube #FreeIran2023 #StopExecutionsInIran #IranWomen #IranProtests#IranRevoIution #قیام_تا_سرنگونی #نه_به_حجاب_اجباری #اعتراضات_سراسری #اعتصابات_سراسری #BlacklistIRGC
#freeiran2023 #stopexecutionsiniran #iranwomen #iranprotests #iranrevoiution #قیام_تا_سرنگونی #نه_به_حجاب_اجباری #اعتراضات_سراسری #اعتصابات_سراسری #blacklistirgc
Live Quintana - آهنگ بدون ترس https://youtu.be/VLLyzqkH6cs #FreeIran2023 #StopExecutionsInIran #IranWomen #IranProtests#IranRevoIution #قیام_تا_سرنگونی #نه_به_حجاب_اجباری #اعتراضات_سراسری #اعتصابات_سراسری #BlacklistIRGC #IRGCterrorists
#freeiran2023 #stopexecutionsiniran #iranwomen #iranprotests #iranrevoiution #قیام_تا_سرنگونی #نه_به_حجاب_اجباری #اعتراضات_سراسری #اعتصابات_سراسری #blacklistirgc #irgcterrorists
@Snoro It's obviously really hot in Iran at the moment, but Iranian state media isn't the most credible source, there might be other reasons for those holidays … #iranprotests #WomenLifeFreedom
#iranprotests #WomenLifeFreedom
Iran’s telecom retirees resume protests as authorities refuse to address their demands #IranProtests https://english.mojahedin.org/news/irans-telecom-retirees-resume-protests-as-authorities-refuse-to-address-their-demands/
Global News BC: Rights advocates condemn ‘gender apartheid’ as Iran’s morality police ramp up enforcement https://globalnews.ca/news/9839994/reaction-increased-enforcement-iran-hijab/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #hijabenforcementIran #Iranmoralitypolice #Canadian-Iranians #IranianRevolution #iranprotests #Iranianwomen #IraniansinBC #BCIranians #MahsaAmini #Politics #Canada #World #hijab #Iran
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #hijabenforcementiran #iranmoralitypolice #canadian #iranianrevolution #iranprotests #iranianwomen #iraniansinbc #bciranians #mahsaamini #politics #Canada #world #hijab #Iran
Retirees, disabled people hold protest rallies in multiple cities across Iran #IranProtests https://english.mojahedin.org/news/retirees-disabled-people-hold-protest-rallies-in-multiple-cities-across-iran/
Iran: Morality police return to enforce dress code in cities
#jinamahsaamini #iranprotests #moralitypolice #iran