Le soulèvement populaire et féministe iranien
Atelier de la 15è université d'été du NPA avec #SaraSelami (militante franco-iranienne, membre de SSTI), #ChowraMakaremi (anthropologue) et #BabakKia (militant franco-iranien, membre de SSTI et du NPA)
#Iran #IranProtests #IranProtests2022 #IranProtests2023 #IranRevolution2022 #IranRevolution2023 #FemmeVieLiberté
#saraselami #chowramakaremi #babakkia #iran #iranprotests #IranProtests2022 #iranprotests2023 #iranrevolution2022 #iranrevolution2023 #femmevieliberte
« Le 16 septembre 2022, la mort d'une jeune femme, #JinaMahsaAmini, provoque le soulèvement de la population iranienne. [ ]. A l'approche du premier anniversaire de ces événements, l'anthropologue #ChowraMakaremi analyse pour nous comment ce mouvement s'inscrit dans l'histoire longue de la République islamique»
#Iran : la révolution des femmes a pris racine
#IranProtests #IranProtests2022 #IranProtests2023 #IranRevolution2022 #IranRevolution2023 #FemmeVieLiberté
#JinaMahsaAmini #chowramakaremi #iran #iranprotests #IranProtests2022 #iranprotests2023 #iranrevolution2022 #iranrevolution2023 #femmevieliberte
"With a trove of gripping footage filmed by protestors, this documentary goes inside the uprising that rocked #Iran after the death of a young woman in police custody — and sheds new light on a regime under unprecedented pressure."
Inside the #IranianUprising (full #documentary) | FRONTLINE
#MahsaAmini #JinaMahsaAmini #IranProtests #IranProtests2022 #IranProtests2023 #IranRevolution2022 #IranRevolution2023 #WomanLifeFreedom
#iran #iranianuprising #documentary #MahsaAmini #JinaMahsaAmini #iranprotests #IranProtests2022 #iranprotests2023 #iranrevolution2022 #iranrevolution2023 #WomanLifeFreedom
Today: Don’t forget!
#MahsaAmini #iranrevolution2022
#MahsaAmini #iranrevolution2022
#Iran protest crackdown: Two reporters could face death penalty over #MahsaAmini story
#ChowraMakaremi, Anthropologist at CNRS Paris
#BarbadGolshiri, Iranian Artist & Civil activist
#PouyaAlimagham, Historian at MIT
#TaraKangarlou, Author of "The Heartbeat of Iran", Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University
#IranProtests #IranProtests2022 #IranProtests2023 #IranRevolution2022 #IranRevolution2023 #WomanLifeFreedom #PressFreedom
#iran #MahsaAmini #chowramakaremi #barbadgolshiri #pouyaalimagham #tarakangarlou #iranprotests #IranProtests2022 #iranprotests2023 #iranrevolution2022 #iranrevolution2023 #WomanLifeFreedom #pressfreedom #stopexecutionsiniran
#Iran protest crackdown: Two reporters could face death penalty over #MahsaAmini story
#ChowraMakaremi, Anthropologist at CNRS Paris
#BarbadGolshiri, Iranian Artist & Civil activist
#PouyaAlimagham, Historian at MIT
#TaraKangarlou, Author of "The Heartbeat of Iran", Adjunct Professor at Georgetown Universit
#IranProtests #IranProtests2022 #IranProtests2023 #IranRevolution2022 #IranRevolution2023 #WomanLifeFreedom #PressFreedom
#iran #MahsaAmini #chowramakaremi #barbadgolshiri #pouyaalimagham #tarakangarlou #iranprotests #IranProtests2022 #iranprotests2023 #iranrevolution2022 #iranrevolution2023 #WomanLifeFreedom #pressfreedom #stopexecutionsiniran
#Iran protest crackdown: Two reporters could face death penalty over #MahsaAmini story
#ChowraMakaremi, Anthropologist at CNRS Paris
#BarbadGolshiri, Iranian Artist & Civil activist
#PouyaAlimagham, Historian at MIT
#IranProtests #IranProtests2022 #IranProtests2023 #IranRevolution2022 #IranRevolution2023 #WomanLifeFreedom #PressFreedom
#iran #MahsaAmini #chowramakaremi #barbadgolshiri #pouyaalimagham #iranprotests #IranProtests2022 #iranprotests2023 #iranrevolution2022 #iranrevolution2023 #WomanLifeFreedom #pressfreedom #stopexecutionsiniran
#Iran protest crackdown: Two reporters could face death penalty over #MahsaAmini story
#ChowraMakaremi, Anthropologist at CNRS Paris
#BarbadGolshiri, Iranian Artist & Civil activist
#PouyaAlimagham, Historian at MIT
#IranProtests #IranProtests2022 #IranProtests2023 #IranRevolution2022 #IranRevolution2023 #WomanLifeFreedom #PressFreedom
#iran #MahsaAmini #chowramakaremi #barbadgolshiri #pouyaalimagham #iranprotests #IranProtests2022 #iranprotests2023 #iranrevolution2022 #iranrevolution2023 #WomanLifeFreedom #pressfreedom #stopexecutionsiniran
"Bassam Haddad speaks with Eskandar Sadeghi-Boroujerdi, who addresses the various lineages of protest in Iran. In his own words, 'I provide an interpretive-theoretical framework through which to understand the manifold crises which generated the conditions for these historic and multifaceted uprisings.' "
Lineages of Protest in #Iran
Monday May 22 @ 12pm EDT
#IranProtests #IranRevolution2022 #IranRevolution2023 #IranProtests2022 #IranProtests2023 #WomanLifeFreedom
#iran #iranprotests #iranrevolution2022 #iranrevolution2023 #IranProtests2022 #iranprotests2023 #WomanLifeFreedom
https://www.linkedin.com/posts/saeidehfard_son-of-irans-last-shah-set-to-make-first-activity-7053748928650883072-6QKg?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios.. #iranrevolution2022 continues! #iranianwomen #womanlifefreedom #mahsaamini #irgcterrorists
#iranrevolution2022 #iranianwomen #womanlifefreedom #mahsaamini #irgcterrorists
Impedire agli studenti di entrare all'università...
#مهسا امینی
Sette mesi dopo la morte di “Mahsa Amini” sotto la custodia della pattuglia di Ershad, continuano le ripetute minacce del governo e le istruzioni di far indossare l'hijab alle donne.
#مهسا_امینی #iranrevolution2022
Contemporaneamente all'enfasi del governo sull'attuazione dell'hijab obbligatorio e sulla prosecuzione delle campagne civili e sulla mancata osservanza dell'hijab obbligatorio da parte di molte donne in Iran, il governatore di Hamadan ha annunciato la "non fornitura di servizi a non -hijab nelle banche e nei luoghi pubblici".
#مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution2022
#مهسا_امینی #iranrevolution2022
Non dimenticate!
#IranRevolution2022 #MahasaAmini
#iranrevolution2022 #MahasaAmini
#Attacco_chimico alla Khayyam Girls High School, campus Fase 11/Teheran Questa scuola è stata attaccata chimicamente per la seconda volta
#attacco_chimico #iranchemicalattacks #مهسا_امینی #iranrevolution2022
Queste due donne si arrampicano attraverso la porta chiusa dell'Imamzadeh Hossein Hamadan e una grande folla fuori dall'Imamzadeh le incoraggia ad andarsene.
#مهسا امینی
https://www.linkedin.com/posts/mattdubins_iran-installs-cameras-in-public-places-to-activity-7050469450243846144-4GZb?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios The horrid oppression of #women in #iran continues..
#womanlifefreedom #mahsaamini #irgcterrorists #iranianwomen #iranrevolution2022
#women #iran #womanlifefreedom #mahsaamini #irgcterrorists #iranianwomen #iranrevolution2022
"What best explains the origins and persistence of this movement? What has influenced Iran’s resistant movement? We will explore the status of women and the history of women’s rights movement in Iran."
Scholars’ Circle – Women protest in #Iran - a persistent struggle
#IranProtests #IranProtests2022 #IranProtests2023 #IranRevolution2022 #IranRevolution2023
#WomanLifeFreedom #IranianDiaspora #IranianWomen
#Iranianwomen #iraniandiaspora #WomanLifeFreedom #iranrevolution2023 #iranrevolution2022 #iranprotests2023 #IranProtests2022 #iranprotests #iran