Live Quintana - آهنگ بدون ترس #FreeIran2023 #StopExecutionsInIran #IranWomen #IranProtests#IranRevoIution #قیام_تا_سرنگونی #نه_به_حجاب_اجباری #اعتراضات_سراسری #اعتصابات_سراسری #BlacklistIRGC #IRGCterrorists
#freeiran2023 #stopexecutionsiniran #iranwomen #iranprotests #iranrevoiution #قیام_تا_سرنگونی #نه_به_حجاب_اجباری #اعتراضات_سراسری #اعتصابات_سراسری #blacklistirgc #irgcterrorists
Please everyone, share this story, and all other survivor’s stories, to inform the world, and keep the world’s eyes on #iran. If all people worldwide become aware of the horrors perpetrated by the #irgcterrorists, they will push their politicians & governments to boycott business dealings with this diabolical #iranian Republic Regime.
#womanlifefreedom #iranianwomen #mahsaamini
#iran #irgcterrorists #iranian #peoplepower #womanlifefreedom #iranianwomen #mahsaamini
It’s different this time. The world is still watching and #iran’s corrupt regime knows it.
#iranrevolution #irgcterrorists #iranianwomen #womanlifefreedom #mahsaamini
#iran #iranrevolution #irgcterrorists #iranianwomen #womanlifefreedom #mahsaamini
It’s different this time. The world is still watching and #iran’s corrupt regime knows it.
#iranrevolution #irgcterrorists #iranianwomen #womanlifefreedom #mahsaamini
#iran #iranrevolution #irgcterrorists #iranianwomen #womanlifefreedom #mahsaamini
Share this far & wide. Let #iran know the world entire is still watching its atrocities. It’s different this time.
#iranrevolution #irgcterrorists #torture #hanging #illegal #imprisonment #BeTheirVoice #NargesMohammadi #iranianwomen #womanlifefreedom #mahsaamini
#iran #iranrevolution #irgcterrorists #torture #hanging #illegal #imprisonment #betheirvoice #nargesmohammadi #iranianwomen #womanlifefreedom #mahsaamini
Share this far & wide. Let #iran know the world entire is still watching its atrocities. It’s different this time.
#iranrevolution #irgcterrorists #torture #hanging #illegal #imprisonment #BeTheirVoice #NargesMohammadi #iranianwomen #womanlifefreedom #mahsaamini
#iran #iranrevolution #irgcterrorists #torture #hanging #illegal #imprisonment #betheirvoice #nargesmohammadi #iranianwomen #womanlifefreedom #mahsaamini
Be his voice! Spread this #cbc news far and wide. #iran must know the #world entire is watching..
#irgcterrorists #hanging #torture #kidnapping #iranrevolution #iranprotests #iranianwomen #womanlifefreedom #mahsaamini
#cbc #iran #world #irgcterrorists #hanging #torture #kidnapping #iranrevolution #iranprotests #iranianwomen #womanlifefreedom #mahsaamini
The #irgcterrorists of #iran are terrorizing & abducting people on foreign soil. #MasihAlinejad, an #iranian #activist living in the #US, is one of their targets..
#iranrevolution #womanlifefreedom #iranianwomen #iranprotests #mahsaamini
#irgcterrorists #iran #masihalinejad #iranian #activist #us #iranrevolution #womanlifefreedom #iranianwomen #iranprotests #mahsaamini
The hypocrisy of the western nations’ laissez-faire attitude in regards to #iran’s brutal authoritarian regime is astounding, as well as infuriating, for those of us who support the #iranrevolution, sparked by the unjust death of #mahsaamini at the hands of the #irgcterrorists, and the #womanlifefreedom movement. A
#iran #iranrevolution #mahsaamini #irgcterrorists #womanlifefreedom
Big kudos to this artist who created a beautiful building mural in #WashingtonDC remembering #mahsaamini who died at the hands of #police.
Keep sharing everyone! Be their voices! #iran knows this time the #iranrevolution is different and unceasing. The world is continually watching the #irgcterrorists ongoing horrific efforts to terrorize the #iranian people with #torture and #hangings!
#washingtondc #mahsaamini #police #iran #iranrevolution #irgcterrorists #iranian #torture #hangings
#Brazil’s support for #mahsaamini & the #iranrevolution, is vividly on display for the whole world to see! People of #iran, don’t give up! The #world is watching & sees all the #irgcterrorists brutality as well as your brave rebellion. This time is different! —
#brazil #mahsaamini #iranrevolution #iran #world #irgcterrorists
#womanlifefreedom‼️Be their voice! Blanket all your social media with this short, profound message reflecting #iran four decades ago ⬇️
#iranrevolution #iranprotests #iranwomen #irgcterrorists #mahsaamini
#womanlifefreedom #iran #iranrevolution #iranprotests #iranwomen #irgcterrorists #mahsaamini
En #iran , plus de 220 personnes ont été assassinées en 2023.
Une pendaison toutes les 6h.
Des disparitions en masse, des écolières empoisonnées.
#iran #islamicrepublicterrorists #irgcterrorists #strasbourg
Free Toomaj Salehi, #iranian hip-hop star! Be his voice! #IranRevoIution #IRGCterrorists #WomanLifeFreedom #Mahsa_Amini - Sign & share the Petition! via @CdnChange
#iranian #iranrevoiution #irgcterrorists #womanlifefreedom #mahsa_amini
Against the Mistreatment of Faculty Members in University of Tehran. #iranrevolution #irgcterrorists #womanlifefreedom #mahsaamini - Sign & share the Petition! — via @CdnChange
#iranrevolution #irgcterrorists #womanlifefreedom #mahsaamini
Kasra Arabi: IRGC-linked Telegram channel sharing the following tweet:
“If necessary, just as we prevented the fall of Assad, we will prevent the fall of #Putin.”
#IRGCterrorists @iran
#putin #russia #wagner #irgcterrorists
Big Kudos to the city of #ottawa for recognizing with this memorial the unjust killing of #mahsaamini which sparked the renewed & ongoing peaceful protests in #iran against the brutality of the #irgcterrorists.
#iranianwomen #womanlifefreedom #womensrightsarehumanrights #canada
#ottawa #mahsaamini #iran #irgcterrorists #iranianwomen #womanlifefreedom #womensrightsarehumanrights #canada — #SalmanRushdie wins prestigious German Peace Prize! Learn about his lifetime struggle against the #irgcterrorists of the barbaric #iranian regime..
#iranrevolution #iranianwomen #torture #hanging #terror #womanlifefreedom #mahsaamini
#salmanrushdie #irgcterrorists #iranian #iranrevolution #iranianwomen #torture #hanging #terror #womanlifefreedom #mahsaamini — #canada #nationalsecurity #sanctions #irgcterrorists #torture #hangings #iranrevolution #iranianwomen #womanlifefreedom #mahsaamini
#canada #nationalsecurity #sanctions #irgcterrorists #torture #hangings #iranrevolution #iranianwomen #womanlifefreedom #mahsaamini
Die iranischen #Revolutionsgarden (#IRGC) sind nicht nur im #Iran selbst aktiv, sie haben mutmaßlich Anschläge auf jüdische Einrichtungen in #Deutschland in Auftrag gegeben. Der #Generalbundesanwalt hat Informationen von t-online zufolge die Ermittlungen ausgeweitet und ermittelt nun gegen Beschuldigte wegen des Verdachts der #BildungEinerKriminellenVereinigung und weiterer Straftaten.
#antisemitismus #irgcterrorists #bildungeinerkriminellenvereinigung #generalbundesanwalt #deutschland #iran #irgc #revolutionsgarden