RT @DuezenTekkal@twitter.com
Die #IslamischeRepublik Iran wurde mit 29 zu 6 Gegenstimmen aus der @UN@twitter.com-Frauenrechtskommission gewählt. Sie hätte dort nie einen Sitz haben dürfen. Ein guter Tag für die #IranRevolution! Die internationale Legitimät für ein verbrecherisches Regime schwindet. #IRIoffCSW
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DuezenTekkal/status/1603069125349212160
#irioffcsw #iranrevolution #IslamischeRepublik
RT @DuezenTekkal@twitter.com
Die #IslamischeRepublik Iran wurde mit 29 zu 6 Gegenstimmen aus der @UN@twitter.com-Frauenrechtskommission gewählt. Sie hätte dort nie einen Sitz haben dürfen. Ein guter Tag für die #IranRevolution! Die internationale Legitimät für ein verbrecherisches Regime schwindet. #IRIoffCSW
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DuezenTekkal/status/1603069125349212160
#irioffcsw #IslamischeRepublik #iranrevolution
RT @Omid_M@twitter.com
BREAKING: The United Nations removed the Islamic Republic of Iran from the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). (29 YES, 8 NO) Yesterday, in a letter from prison, 14 imprisoned women activists supported the removal. #IRIoffCSW #MahsaAmini #مهسا_امینی #Iran #IranRevoIution https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1603069492451475457
#iranrevoiution #iran #مهسا_امینی #mahsaamini #irioffcsw
RT @Omid_M@twitter.com
BREAKING: The United Nations removed the Islamic Republic of Iran from the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). (29 YES, 8 NO) Yesterday, in a letter from prison, 14 imprisoned women activists supported the removal. #IRIoffCSW #MahsaAmini #مهسا_امینی #Iran #IranRevoIution https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1603069492451475457
#iranrevoiution #iran #مهسا_امینی #mahsaamini #irioffcsw #iranrevoiution2022
RT @maasalan@twitter.com
BREAKING: The Islamic Republic of Iran has officially been removed from the Committee on the Status of Women a the United Nations. A historic move and a clear sign by the international community that the Islamic Republic's crimes will not be tolerated. #IRIoffCSW
RT @ArioMirzaie@twitter.com
Well done: Die Islamische Republik wurde gerade mit großer Mehrheit aus der Frauenrechtskommission der Vereinten Nation raus gekickt. Das war längst überfällig. Dieses frauenverachtendes Regime hat dort nichts zu suchen. #IranRevolution #IRIoffCSW #MahsaAmini
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ArioMirzaie/status/1603076634063560704
#IranRevolution #irioffcsw #MahsaAmini
RT @SMohyeddin@twitter.com
#Iran, 17 other states issued a letter to #ECOSOC on Monday that a vote "will undoubtedly create an unwelcome precedent that will ultimately prevent other Member States with different cultures, customs and traditions..."
#IRIoffCSW is now trending
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SMohyeddin/status/1603041837387849728
HRF calls on democracies to vote to remove #Iran from the UN Commission on the Status of Women.
#iran #irioffcsw #womenlifefreedom #eyesoniran
Please sign the letter in support of Women in Iran. https://www.womanlifefreedom.today/ #IRIoffCSW
Please sign the letter in support of Women in Iran. https://www.womanlifefreedom.today/ #IRIoffCSW
RT @NazaninNour@twitter.com
Spending half of our time in UN meetings debunking the false narrative that the morality police has been abolished.
Thanks to The NY Times for running a negligent headline mere days ahead of the #IRIoffCSW vote.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NazaninNour/status/1600282844802453504
Hillary Clinton and Sepideh Moafi speaking about #Iran human rights violations and the petition to remove the Islamic Republic of Iran from its place on the Commission for the Status of Women - the UN’s top women’s rights body
#IRIoffCSW #UnitedNations #ZanZendegiAzadi #WomensRights
please sign #petition here:
#iran #irioffcsw #unitednations #zanzendegiazadi #womensrights #petition
Hillary Clinton and Sepideh Moafi speaking about #Iran human rights violations and the petition to remove the Islamic Republic of Iran from its place on the Commission for the Status of Women - the UN’s top women’s rights body
#IRIoffCSW #UnitedNations #ZanZendegiAzadi #WomensRights
please sign #petition here:
#iran #irioffcsw #unitednations #zanzendegiazadi #womensrights #petition
Aufgrund der erschreckenden Bilanz der Islamischen Republik in Bezug auf die Rechte der Frauen und angesichts des anhaltenden brutalen Vorgehens des Regimes gegen Demonstranten bestehen wir darauf, dass die Mitgliedschaft des Iran in der CSW widerrufen wird. #IRIoffCSW #WomanLifeFreedom
Take 30s of your time to sign this petition to show support for women's rights in Iran and get the IRI removed from the UN Commission for the Status of Women. #IranProtest #WomanLifeFreedom #IRIoffCSW
#iranprotest #womanlifefreedom #irioffcsw
RT @laparisa@twitter.com
Time to vocally & unequivocally show support for women’s rights by standing in solidarity w/ Iranian women & girls. Please join me in signing this petition to remove the IRI from the UN Commission for the Status of Women http://bit.ly/IRIoffCSW #IRIoffCSW #WomanLifeFreedom