I did not think i could improve on my #profile pic, alas, I was mistaken. #RuffCollars make everything better!
The look: #BeaArthur #hair, #JohnWaters #stash, #DizzyGillespie #soulpatch, big #IrisApfel style #sunglasses and now with #Cervantes ruff collar.
Thanks for the prompt @helder
#profile #ruffcollars #beaarthur #hair #johnwaters #stash #dizzygillespie #soulpatch #irisapfel #sunglasses #cervantes
Style vs Fashion
"Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months."
― Oscar Wilde
I want to be the Episcopalian version of #NadiaBolzWeber when I grow up... I also want to be #IrisApfel when I grow up... But I also endeavor to never grow up... So where does this leave me? #Episcopalian #Rebel
#nadiabolzweber #irisapfel #episcopalian #rebel