1) At the center of a major controversy when the American Irish Historical Society’s irreplaceable Beaux-Arts townhouse home on Fifth Avenue in New York City was put up for sale.
#GlobalIrishNation #nypd #irishamerica #IrishPodcast
Should’ve hashtagged that post better:
#BadBridget #LáFéileBríde #StBridgetsDay #Podcast #ElaineFarrell #LeanneMcCormick #QUB #UniversityOfUlster #SiobhánMcSweeney #IrishAmerica #Emigration
#badbridget #lafeilebride #stbridgetsday #podcast #elainefarrell #leannemccormick #QUB #universityofulster #siobhanmcsweeney #irishamerica #emigration
Glad to hear that American Irish Historic Society is under new management. It's been painful to pass the beautiful building on 991 5th Avenue only to see darkened windows at what should be one of Irish America's preeminent institutions
#GlobalIrishNation #IrishAmerica #IrishHistory #NotForProfit
Dan Barry of @nytimes has the latest:
#GlobalIrishNation #irishamerica #irishhistory #notforprofit