And suddenly a coffee appear. Of the Irish kind! Had to be rescued. #irishcoffee
Why do people overthink coffee?
Just DRINK it, don't overTHINK it!
#Espresso #Ristretto #Affogato #Doppio #Coffee #Lungo #TurkishCoffee #frappé #CafeAuLait #Cappuccino #Macchiato #Latte #Americano #CaffeMocha #FlatWhite #Iced #Cortado #ColdBrew #IrishCoffee #BrewedCoffee
#espresso #ristretto #affogato #doppio #coffee #lungo #turkishcoffee #frappe #cafeaulait #cappuccino #macchiato #latte #americano #caffemocha #flatwhite #iced #cortado #coldbrew #irishcoffee #brewedcoffee
It is #NationalIrishCoffeeDay!
Toronto Alderman Tony O'Donohue enjoys some Irish coffee with two guests from Ireland, Edmund Williams and Bill Jaffray on June 21, 1972. The coffee is served by Tony's wife (her first name is not given).
#nationalirishcoffeeday #irishcoffee
My dad is just having his version of an "Irish coffee", which it turns out is a glass mug full of Bailey's, microwaved for 30 seconds and then topped with whipped cream.
Apparently no coffee beans were harmed in the making of this Irish coffee.
Feel free to share YOUR recipes for things which are nothing like what they're actually supposed to be ...
#IrishCoffee #SF #SFBA #Bars #Cocktails
Just saw a vid on the birdsite about how Irish Coffees are made and since it's claimed that the the Irish Coffee was 1st served at the Buena Vista Cafe in 1952, I thought I'd post a vid of the process used there.
I've enjoyed a few Irish Coffees at the BVC and on this cold winter morning I could use one now too. 🍸
#irishcoffee #sf #sfba #bars #cocktails
@snarkysteff I get it, but I have been doing it for years to watch #PremierLeague, it is actually kinda nice to be sipping my coffee and enjoying some great #soccer. I have even been known to join a bunch of others at a bar for breakfast the game and an #irishcoffee or two at that time. If I lived on the west coast my dvr would taking care of the early game, 4:30am is bit ridiculous and I am not quite that motivated.
#premierleague #soccer #irishcoffee