#Bananas Threatened? Like in #BotanyofDesire, The #IrishFamine #Lumper
> The #kiwifruit is really threatened right now by a disease that is also taking advantage of the kiwi monoculture.
> The natural tendency in big business is to keep things simple, which is good because it keeps it cheap, but it hurts it in the end. It’s happening for grapes and olives as well. The other fruit companies should learn from the banana industry, except the banana industry hasn’t learned.
#kiwifruit #Lumper #irishfamine #BotanyofDesire #bananas
RT @nalra1234@twitter.com
#UDI_Now before we're all in camps! Then they'll tell us we need to go work in the neighbouring camp in Rwanda! Then they'll tell us the potato crop has failed! Then they'll tell us sorry, nature can be cruel! #NeverUnderestimateTheEmpire #TheClearances #IrishFamine https://twitter.com/BjCruickshank/status/1612574853969727492
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/nalra1234/status/1612576386488623104
#irishfamine #theclearances #neverunderestimatetheempire #UDI_Now
Thanks for mentioning '“The Best Country in the World”: The Surprising Social Mobility of New York’s Irish-Famine Immigrants' in Jo of Interdisciplinary History.
This is an important article https://doi.org/10.1162/jinh_a_01869
@bullivant @econhist @migrationresearch @histodons @immigration #IrishFamine #Irish #migration #Immigration #mobility #socialmobility #occupation #inequality #history #economics #sociology #demography #ethnic
#ethnic #demography #sociology #economics #history #inequality #occupation #socialmobility #mobility #immigration #migration #irish #irishfamine
The story of "Dear Old Skibbereen" and the Great Hunger / An Gorta Mór
#IrishFamine #Skibbereen
https://www.irishcentral.com/opinion/others/history-great-hunger-skibbereen#.Y4xm4CcbEcE.twitter via @IrishCentral