Nice to see an uptick in visitors to my poor neglected (by me) blog.
That it's due to #Hozier is a surprise.
Thanks to #Genius for linking:
The post is here:
Clare Moriarty on the Unbearable Philosophicality of the Third Policeman:
Hozier's "de Selby (Part 1)"
#hozier #genius #irishphilosophy #deselby
☔ The drumming rain reminds me of this blog post.
Hutcheson's use of the Jonathan Swift poem "City Shower" in his anonymous work on laughter, and the textual hints that Swift read the Hutcheson text:
#FrancisHutcheson #jonathanswift #irishphilosophy
"In practice the text of #Lucretius rests upon two Leiden manuscripts [...] The older and better is O (Voss. Lat. F. 30)Offsite Link. It was written not long after 800 in the Palace School of Charlemagne. A contemporary corrector, using a distinctive insular hand, emended the text and in places filled up lacunae left by the orignal scribe. This hand has been recognized as that of Dungal"
More on the Irish scholar Dúngal
#lucretius #history #irishphilosophy
#Messiah by #Handel was performed (for charity) for the first time at Fishamble Street, Dublin #OTD 1742.
#celbridge connection: Kathleen Connolly of #Castletown sold tickets for the charity fundraising concert, but unfortunately had to miss it herself due to illness.
Two #IrishPhilosophy posts:
A connection to Swift: Handel’s Messiah
Handel’s Messiah, John Toland and the fight against Deism.
#messiah #handel #otd #celbridge #castletown #irishphilosophy #IrishPhilosophyOTD #jonathanswift #johntoland
#Hobbes (born #OTD 1588) had a bad reputation. Possibly worse in Ireland: Thomas Molyneux (brother of #WilliamMolyneux) was scandalized by a bust of Hobbes being given a prominent spot in the Royal Society.
The Royal Society had obviously got past Hobbes's attack on #RobertBoyle's treatise on the air pump
Hobbes had earlier disputed (while both were in Paris) with John Bramhall, Bishop of Derry, over free will and necessity.
#hobbes #otd #williammolyneux #robertboyle #irishphilosophy
#Hobbes (born #OTD 1588) had a bad reputation. Possibly worse in Ireland: Thomas Molyneux (brother of #WilliamMolyneux) was scandalized by a bust of Hobbes being given a prominent spot in the Royal Society.
The Royal Society had obviously got past Hobbes's attack on #RobertBoyle's treatise on the air pump
#hobbes #otd #williammolyneux #robertboyle #irishphilosophy
"People crushed by law have no hopes but for power. If laws are their enemies, they will be enemies to laws; and those who have much hope and nothing to lose will always be dangerous more or less." Edmund Burke, Letter to Charles Fox, 8 Oct. 1777 (Corr., II, 387.)
One of #DIBs featured bios today is scholar Dorothy Moore
(The others are also 17th century women:
Boyle, Margaret (1623 - 1689)
Boyle, Elizabeth (1613 - 1691)
Barry, Alice (1608 - 1667)
Pulter, Lady Hester (1605 - 1678) )
#dibs #dorothymoore #irishphilosophy
@rmathematicus review of Michelle DiMeo's book "Lady Ranelagh: The Incomparable Life of Robert Boyle’s Sister".
Not just an elder sister:
#ladyranelagh #irishphilosophy
👉 #Hashtags 👈
#TCD - Trinity College Dublin
#DIB - Dictionary of Irish Biography
** People **
#Kant #Kantian
#hashtags #IrishEnlightenment #irishfranciscans #irishcolleges #irishphilosophy #IrishPhilosophyOTD #TCD #dib #berkeley #condrury #dorothymoore #flann #flannobrien #FrancisHutcheson #francismartin #georgeboole #georgeberkeley #jamesussher #johntoland #jonathanswift #kant #kantian #kingsmillabbott #ladyranelagh #locke #LukeWadding #robertboyle #WolfeTone
Podcast | Alison Stone, "Women Philosophers in Nineteenth-Century Britain. Includes the Irish women Frances Power Cobbe and (arguably) Annie Besant.
#irishphilosophy #podcast #womeninphilosophy
Despite what you may have heard, before Patrick's time the Irish culture was primarily oral. The advent of Christianity meant the advent of books - and an introduction into the classical world of which Ireland was not part.
Literacy and Learning in Ireland before and after Patrick –
#irishphilosophy #stpatricksday #paddysday
"I think being a woman is like being Irish… Everyone says you’re important and nice, but you take second place all the same."
#IrisMurdoch in the novel "The Red and the Green" set in the Ireland of 1916, and of which Damien Kiberd says, “beneath the surface traditionalism…the modern world struggles to be born.”
A post on the philosophy of the novel:
The first blogpost on my blog from 10 years ago.
Patrick, Augustine and a blackbird
#paddysday #stpatricksday #irishphilosophy
Random 18th century weirdness: St Augustine referred to as St Austin. (Confusing until context made it clear.)
#amreading #earlymodons #irishphilosophy
For #internationalWomensDay a blogpost about the battle of 17th century women to enter the intellectual sphere, centered on Dublin-born Dorothy Moore.
Dorothy Moore: Building Networks in the Republic of Letters –
#internationalwomensday #irishphilosophy
Do love this paper, not least for its title
"What the Women of Dublin Did with John Locke"
#locke #dublin #triumfeminate #earlymodons #irishphilosophy
Rather surprised to read this (in an article mostly about #Jerome, who translated the bible into Latin):
"He never forgot his first sight of the Attacotti, uncouth natives of Ireland, who sometimes ate human flesh, and had a taste for the buttock-meat of stolen livestock." 😳
No wonder then, that when Jermone made the first mention of the Irish in a vaguely philosophical context, it was as an insult (against #Pelagius ).
#jerome #pelagius #irishphilosophy
15 Feb: #SophieBryant; mathematican, psychologist, educationalist and thinker; was born in Sandymount, Dublin on this day in 1850.
Sophie Bryant was one of the first two women to graduate from the University of London with a BSc degree in 1881
A "woman of many trades", "Mind" gave a selection of her papers as one of their women in philosophy
#DIB Bio:
#sophiebryant #dib #irishphilosophy #IrishPhilosophyOTD