Loving the pronunciations of Irish place names by British and American journalists. They have been entertaining. They aren’t even as Gaeilge #IrishPlacenames
Me Mott is a licensed haulier
I first heard this at a session in Inis Meáin, sung by the writer, Fergus Russell, who I first heard at An Góilín (https://goilin.com/) a few years ago.
For those of you not from Ireland, every place mentioned in the song really does exist. (And a haulier is someone who "hauls" things for a living - a trucker)
#Logainm #Placenames #IrishPlacenames #Ireland #MastoDaoine #Gaeilge #AnGóilín # Songs #Ballads
#logainm #placenames #irishplacenames #ireland #mastodaoine #gaeilge #angoilin #ballads