It feels GREAT!! #ByeByeTwitter #TrumpNoMore #ByeByeElon #twexit #IrishTwitterExodus #IrishTwitterExile #Mastodonie
#byebyetwitter #TrumpNoMore #ByeByeElon #twexit #IrishTwitterExodus #irishtwitterexile #mastodonie
OK my question is, if I deactivate my 🐦 accounts, someone could grab the handles in bad faith - what to do? Any ideas besides just let it all go 💥? #IrishTwitter #twexit #TwitterMigration #IrishTwitterExile #deactivate
I don't want to encourage #fash #twitter. Was just reading that one can deactivate the account for 30 days, beyond that, the handle is lost. Not sure if the info is up-to-date tho.
If so much happened in 2 wks, there might be a twist or two in these 30 days? 🤷🏻♂️
#irishtwitter #twexit #twittermigration #irishtwitterexile #deactivate #fash #twitter