Vchat20 · @Vchat20
47 followers · 817 posts · Server

As played out and cliche as it is, one of my bucket list items feels like it is becoming more of an eventual survival goal as time goes on. Especially with how much it feels like society is circling the drain these days. I feel like I'm starting to understand some of the thought processes behind the off-grid/living out in the wilderness types. πŸ˜›

I've always been one who has enjoyed traveling and road trips. An extension of this has been the want to try out the whole vanlife thing at some point in my life. As a , with the increasing accessibility of internet access (between of Starlink and cellular connectivity in general) it has become much more palatable. My ultimate goal would be to dive in and do a full mobile setup. I have a ton of potential plans for such a setup in the back of my head that I'm constantly itching to try. Part of that is the work I've been putting into an IRL/mobile streaming setup lately. I think it'd be fun and kinda cool to built that all in the van/camper including external cameras in the mix.

#techie #HomeLab #technology #VanLife #irlstreaming #travel

Last updated 1 year ago

We are alive and live from research station 18 aka Aasiaat!

#vtuber #envtuber #irlstreaming

Last updated 2 years ago

We will be going live in 60 mins time, doing our IRL stream finally!

We going to walk around Aasiaat for a bit

#vtuber #envtuber #vtuberuprising #irlstreaming

Last updated 2 years ago

Got the irl streaming to work!

IRL-stream tomorrow!

#vtuber #envtuber #vtuberuprising #irlstreaming

Last updated 2 years ago

Sup IRL stream in 90mins!

Coming to you live at research station 18 aka Aasiaat!

#vtuber #envtuber #vtuberuprising #irlstreaming

Last updated 2 years ago

Sup! will be doing a IRL stream on Saturday!

Will be walking around town shopping and stuff!

it will be around 12 pm EST

#envtuber #vtuber #vtuberuprising #irlstreaming

Last updated 2 years ago

This Weeks schedule!

We will be Ice fishing this Saturday So we will be shooting some guns and stuff because polar bears!

So look forward for that around 12:00 UTC-3!

#irlstreaming #vtuber #envtuber

Last updated 2 years ago

Vchat20 · @Vchat20
28 followers · 244 posts · Server

So putting the setup on the backburner for the moment. Managed to get an OSX Monterey install finished and booting properly (had some more EFI 'fun' yet again due to my own hand, I completely flubbed the proper folder layout of the EFI partition. Now it can fully boot with no external input from me.). Now there's just a lot of tweakage involved in getting certain features working. Probably the biggest is getting the trackpad going properly. Can't do a simple tap-click which has become a hardwired action in my brain. And OSX doesn't seem to recognize that a trackpad exists.

But that's for another day! On to another short-term hyperfixation brought to you by the part of my

Thanks to my brother putting a bug in my ear, I'm going through working out the practical details of doing an IRL in-car/road trip streaming setup.

The technical/behind-the-scenes details of streaming has become a big fixation of mine over the years and an IRL streaming setup has been one of the vestiges of this that has really intrigued me and something I definitely want to try and set up and put into actual use.

I've got the mental checklist figured out regarding all the moving parts needed for this. Just down to actually getting it all working together. But I'm definitely looking forward to the challenge. πŸ™‚

#hackintosh #adhd #AuDHD #Streaming #obs #irlstreaming

Last updated 2 years ago

We just finished our first IRL-stream with the osmo 3 and it went great but can't wait to up the quality!

#envtuber #vtuber #irlstreaming

Last updated 2 years ago

Sup! IRL stream in 60 mins!

Will be hanging around Aasiaat where research station 18 is at or maybe hiking

#envtuber #vtuber #vtuberuprising #irlstreaming

Last updated 2 years ago


If I were to do a IRL stream tomorrow around 12:00 UTC-03:00

What should I do?
plan is to maybe walk around Aasiaat where I live or maybe we should nik to my fav spot on the spider island

#envtuber #vtuber #vtuberuprising #irlstreaming

Last updated 2 years ago

Hey anyone who understands the concept of RTMP for IRL streaming?...

Because I donΒ΄t get it...

<iframe src="" width="480" height="270" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">via GIPHY</a></p>

#imdumb #rtmp #irlstreaming

Last updated 2 years ago