Oh, New York Times crossword compilers. It’s all fun and games until you ACTUALLY get replaced by AI.
#Amazon möchte #iRobot übernehmen? :mastoflushed:
#SmartHome: Spione in der Wohnung | MIT Technology Review https://www.heise.de/hintergrund/Smart-Home-Spione-in-der-Wohnung-9245397.html #Datenschutz #privacy #surveillance #Überwachung #IoT #InternetOfThings #InternetDerDinge
#amazon #irobot #smarthome #datenschutz #privacy #surveillance #uberwachung #iot #internetofthings #internetderdinge
@Kahte @iamuppsala @temptoetiam Ben, c’est normal, tu n’arrives jamais à les passer!
Oh, Roomba s9+, we sing your praise
Your robotic cleaning ways
You make your home free of dust and dirt
So you no longer have to squirm and squirt
Your record-low price on Amazon
Makes your suction stronger than ever on
So grab one now, and you'll see
The spotless home a Roomba can make
#irobot #roomba #robotvacuum #amazon #ode #poetry
Ich verkaufe einen gebrauchten iRobot Braava m6 Wischroboter in gutem Zustand mit Ovp der noch voll funktionsfähig ist.
Leider ist das Ding trotz teurer Marke eher schlecht und die App ist auch nicht gut, wenn man als Vergleich Roborock und deren Lidar-Navigation kennt.
#kleinanzeigen #irobot
I learn something new almost every day.
Today: "I, Robot" was published in Amazing Stories in 1939 - By Eando Binder - and was a story about a Robot named Adam Link.
Now, I've seen some part of the Adam Link stories from The Outerlimits.
What I didn't know the more famous "I, Robot" by Asimov was more of an Anthology. And Asimov was inspired by The original "I, Robot"/Adam Link stories.
#IRobot #Learn #new #AmazingStories #Asimov #Binder #ShortStories #Robot #AI
#ai #robot #shortstories #binder #asimov #amazingstories #new #learn #irobot
#Amazon’s #iRobot #Roomba #acquisition under formal #EU investigation
Amazon’s $1.7 billion purchase of Roomba manufacturer iRobot announced last August enters a new phase of scrutiny in #Europe. The #EuropeanCommission will make a decision about if it will block the deal by November 15th. https://www.theverge.com/2023/7/6/23628636/eu-regulators-amazon-irobot-roomba-acquisition-investigation
#amazon #irobot #roomba #acquisition #eu #europe #europeancommission
Gizmodo: The Top Prime Day Tech Deals For People Who Don't Want to Shop at Amazon https://gizmodo.com/top-amazon-prime-day-tech-deals-target-best-buy-walmart-1850624524 #samsungelectronics #technologyinternet #mobilecomputers #markzuckerberg #arloessential #appleiphone #smartphone #monoprice #bluetooth #appleinc #netflix #samsung #iphone7 #bestbuy #iphone #laptop #target #irobot #nvidia #cadet #macys #intel
#samsungelectronics #technologyinternet #mobilecomputers #markzuckerberg #arloessential #appleiphone #smartphone #monoprice #bluetooth #appleinc #netflix #samsung #iphone7 #bestbuy #iphone #laptop #target #irobot #nvidia #cadet #macys #intel
By Amazon
Europe and US
#amazon #irobot #acquisition #investigation #europe #us #cinquain #poetry
#amazon #irobot #acquisition #investigation #europe #us #cinquain #poetry
Die EU-Kommission startet eine eingehende Prüfung der geplanten Übernahme von #iRobot durch #Amazon.
Wir wollen sicherstellen, dass die Übernahme den Wettbewerb nicht verzerrt und keine negativen Auswirkungen für Unternehmen und Verbraucher hat.
Mehr ➡️ http://europa.eu/!J96QR7
<div class="rsshub-quote">
EU Competition: #EUMergerControl Commission 🇪🇺 opens in-depth investigation into the proposed acquisition of iRobot by Amazon 👇
🔗➡️https://europa.eu/!7gr3Bv https://t.co/EmyBZaZv9T
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinDE/status/1677270179464585217
#irobot #Amazon #EUMergerControl
SciFi movies released in 2004…pick your favorite.
#AlienVsPredator #AVP
#Movies #Cinemastodon #Cinema #Filmastodon #SciFiMovies #SciFi
#thebutterflyeffect #alienvspredator #avp #irobot #hellboy #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #scifimovies #SciFi
#Amazon's #iRobot deal faces #EuropeanUnion #antitrust investigation, sources say
Amazon's (AMZN.O) $1.7 billion acquisition of robot vacuum cleaner maker iRobot (IRBT.O) faces a full-scale EU antitrust investigation, people familiar with the matter said, weeks after the #UnitedStates online retail giant won #UnitedKingdom approval for the deal.
#amazon #irobot #europeanunion #antitrust #unitedstates #unitedkingdom
Submissions to the UK and EU competition authorities on the #Amazon / #iRobot merger | Privacy International
More generally, we believe that acquisition of iRobot by Amazon would reduce what little pressure there currently is on Amazon to compete in relation to #privacy options available to consumers, leading to even less competition on privacy standards and thereby enabling the further degradation of consumers’ privacy protections.
¿Donde esta Asimov cuando se le necesita? https://www.vice.com/en/article/4a33gj/ai-controlled-drone-goes-rogue-kills-human-operator-in-usaf-simulated-test
#ai #robotics #roboticlaws #irobot
Si ça ne marche pas de la nouvelle façon, essaie avec l'ancienne. :)
#iRobot #technologie #oldfashion
(Source : https://www.reddit.com/r/roomba/comments/rcgi93/lpt_when_aws_goes_down_you_can_still_do_it_the/)
#irobot #technologie #oldfashion
Not quite the same thing, but I want to make sure I stash this somewhere for a future presentation because it is just too good. #iRobot #automation