Hot take?
Alanis Morissette’s song Ironic actually *is* ironic.
Every example she gives are unfortunate circumstances, not ironic, like a black fly in your Chardonnay. But the last line of the song is “Life has a funny way of helping you out.”
The irony is that during the whole song, you think all those events are unfortunate, but it’s really all life’s “funny way of helping you out.”
@dirkwagner Lindner braucht doch das Geld für seine Kumpels in der Groß-Kapital-Wirtschaft. Das muss man schon verstehen. #ironic
I can’t be the only person to see a certain irony in the British Museum saying they’ve had artefacts stolen from them.
#BritishMuseum #Art #Ironic
Warum wird das Cannabis nochmal frei gegeben?
Um die "Neuzeit" zu ertragen, und um alles Böse ignorieren zu können.
Lasst und also kiffen und fröhlich sein.
#ironic schreib ich dazu weil mich manche Leute manchmal ernst nehmen wenn ich sowas schreib.
Bleiben wir alle cool. Ist eh heiß genug.
It's time to go to bed, but strangely enough, it's a good time to start working.
I signed up for a webinar on “Avoiding Burnout” but I’m too f’ing busy to ATTEND it.
#ironic #burnout #actuallyautistic #AuDHD
@StableGeniusLib Image description in lieu of missing Alt Text:
Screenshot of a comment apparently from the #NewYorkTimes. #Ironic, isn't it?
"It is remarkable to see Mr. Giuliani charged under a state version of the federal racketeering act commonly referred to as RICO. As the U.S. attorney in Manhattan in the 1980s, Mr. Giuliani helped make the RICO charge famous, using it as a tool in his successful prosecution of New York's organized crime families." - Jonah E. Bromwich
#irony #ironic
Zoom Requires Employees To Return To Office
No More "Work From Home"
Oh bitte. Die alten Leutchen können doch kaum noch laufen
Also müssen sie fahren...
Wie lautet die Unfall-Statistik bezüglich des Alters der Unfallverursacher?
I was in disbelief how #ironic it all was. They started speaking about an issue #climateChange first started by using #BigTobbaco clips of #CEO s all claiming in a congressional hearing they believed #nicotine was not addictive. Pivoted to clips of politicians saying “I’m don’t know the science/ I’m not a scientist”
Interestingly there haven’t been any sponsored studies claiming the safety of #Covid but there were #disinformation claims masks don’t work
#ironic #climatechange #bigtobbaco #ceo #nicotine #covid #disinformation
Be #ironic if they set their #highestScore from here, won't it? :)
聽說某政府單位的「自殺通報防治系統」只能匯出 xlsx & PDF,然後產生的 xlsx 檔讓其他政府單位同仁用 LibreOffice/MODA ODF Application Tools 開到會想自殺。
嗯… 不知怎的覺得頗有畫面。
#ironic #不知道算誰的鍋 #但別把帳賴在ODF或LibreOffice頭上 :0530: :0500:
#ironic #不知道算誰的鍋 #但別把帳賴在odf或libreoffice頭上
Today's Thing of Beauty: the ruins of the #smallpox #hospital on #Roosevelt #Island #EastRiver #Manhattan #NewYork #NewYorkCity #USA In #entropy there is #ironic #beauty 2016 #photography Photo by me
#Photography #beauty #ironic #entropy #USA #newyorkcity #NewYork #manhattan #eastriver #Island #Roosevelt #Hospital #smallpox
I just realized my new #profile #banner is a bit #ironic because I’m #lactoseintolerant
#profile #banner #ironic #lactoseintolerant #profilebanner #irony #lactoseintolerance
Navegando por la web me encontré con las creaciones de Mariano Pascual...muy coloreado, irònico... inspirante! :) Os invito a echarle un vistazo a su pàgina ( aparte el sitio està chulo!) así que comparto! <3
:ablobcatheart: :blobcatcool:
#design #geometricart #ironic #uxdesign #alphabet #abstract #patterns #illustration #minimal #color #shareIsCaring
#shareiscaring #color #minimal #illustration #patterns #abstract #alphabet #uxdesign #ironic #geometricart #design #marianopascual
I always found it #ironic that George Lucas was shooting 4 a big budget version of this (a movie serial) when he made STAR WARS (1977), and its success made it possible for them to make a big budget movie serial in TV episodes decades later, like this 1 on #allstartrek 🤓
Is it #ironic that I am sitting in a cafe eating a plate of #fries with a #latte while reading my #nutrition book for #homework?
At least the latte has oat milk 😜
#ironic #fries #latte #nutrition #homework
So is this #Ironic or just #FunnyAsHell ? 😂
LetMeSpy, a phone tracking app spying on thousands, says it was hacked
A data breach reveals the spyware is built by a Polish developer