salomé – la danse des sept voiles lll, autoportrait, series nervensägen.
#visualArt #photography #selfportrait #ironicArt #hystericArt #motionBlur #nervensäge #cassecouilles
#cassecouilles #nervensage #motionblur #hystericart #ironicArt #selfportrait #photography #visualart
salomé – la danse des sept voiles ll, autoportrait, series nervensägen.
#visualArt #photography #selfportrait #ironicArt #hystericArt #motionBlur #nervensäge #cassecouilles
#cassecouilles #nervensage #motionblur #hystericart #ironicArt #selfportrait #photography #visualart
salomé – la danse des sept voiles l, autoportrait, series nervensägen.
#visualArt #photography #selfportrait #ironicArt #hystericArt #motionBlur
#motionblur #hystericart #ironicArt #selfportrait #photography #visualart
death smiles at you, nature morte hors série #photography #visualArt #artVisuel #photography #BlackAndWhite #noirEtBlanc #art #AYearForArt #ArtMatters #artistsOnMastodon #natureMorte #brathuhn #bildendekunst #ironicArt
#ironicArt #BildendeKunst #brathuhn #naturemorte #artistsonmastodon #artmatters #ayearforart #art #noiretblanc #BlackAndWhite #artvisuel #visualart #photography
autoportrait no. III, série « identifications projectives » #autoportrait #art #photography #artVisuel #softFocus #ArtMatters #artistsOnMastodon #MastoArt #artForSale #AYearForArt #femaleArt #womansArt #visualArt #BildendeKunst #bewegungsunschärfe #motionBlur #psychoanalyse #ironicArt
#ironicArt #psychoanalyse #motionblur #bewegungsunscharfe #BildendeKunst #visualart #womansart #femaleart #ayearforart #artforsale #MastoArt #artistsonmastodon #artmatters #softfocus #artvisuel #photography #art #autoportrait
autoportrait no. II, série « identifications projectives » #autoportrait #art #photography #artVisuel #softFocus #ArtMatters #artistsOnMastodon #MastoArt #artForSale #AYearForArt #femaleArt #womansArt #visualArt #BildendeKunst #bewegungsunschärfe #motionBlur #psychoanalyse #ironicArt
#ironicArt #psychoanalyse #motionblur #bewegungsunscharfe #BildendeKunst #visualart #womansart #femaleart #ayearforart #artforsale #MastoArt #artistsonmastodon #artmatters #softfocus #artvisuel #photography #art #autoportrait
autoportrait no. I, série « identifications projectives » #autoportrait #art #photography #artVisuel #softFocus #ArtMatters #artistsOnMastodon #MastoArt #artForSale #AYearForArt #femaleArt #womansArt #visualArt #BildendeKunst #bewegungsunschärfe #motionBlur #psychoanalyse #ironicArt
#ironicArt #psychoanalyse #motionblur #bewegungsunscharfe #BildendeKunst #visualart #womansart #femaleart #ayearforart #artforsale #MastoArt #artistsonmastodon #artmatters #softfocus #artvisuel #photography #art #autoportrait
autoportrait « stupeur » #autoportrait #visualArt #artVisuel #photography #popSurrealism #expressionism #ironicArt #contemporaryArt #MastoArt #artistsOnMastodon #femaleArt #art #motionBlur #AYearForArt #ArtMatters
#artmatters #ayearforart #motionblur #art #femaleart #artistsonmastodon #MastoArt #contemporaryart #ironicArt #expressionism #popsurrealism #photography #artvisuel #visualart #autoportrait
selfportrait « l’enflammée » #autoportrait #visualArt #artVisuel #photography #popSurrealism #expressionism #ironicArt #contemporaryArt #MastoArt #artistsOnMastodon #femaleArt #art #motionBlur #AYearForArt #ArtMatters
#artmatters #ayearforart #motionblur #art #femaleart #artistsonmastodon #MastoArt #contemporaryart #ironicArt #expressionism #popsurrealism #photography #artvisuel #visualart #autoportrait
a second shot of the « kärcher woman »,
covering the aspect of hoover zombification, #visualart #photography #photographie #portrait #portraitphotography
#artcontemporain #contemporaryart #art
#MastoArt #womenartists #ironicArt
#BlackAndWhite #noiretblancphotographie #schwarzweiss #artistsOnMastodon
#artistsonmastodon #schwarzweiss #noiretblancphotographie #BlackAndWhite #ironicArt #womenartists #MastoArt #art #contemporaryart #artcontemporain #portraitphotography #portrait #photographie #photography #visualart
sometimes i like to portrait the « other ».
starting from « come as you are », it always
ends in discovering completely surprising
aspects of the portrayed personality. an
example: « kärcher woman » #visualArt #photography #photographie #portrait
#portraitPhotography #artcontemporain
#contemporaryArt #art #MastoArt
#womenartists #BlackAndWhite
#noiretblancphotographie #schwarzweiss
#ironicArt #schwarzweiss #noiretblancphotographie #BlackAndWhite #womenartists #MastoArt #art #contemporaryart #artcontemporain #portraitphotography #portrait #photographie #photography #visualart
main piece of the series "50 ways", inspired by the Paul Simon's song "50 ways to leave your lover" written after he divorced.
there is also a german version from Ulla
Meinecke "50 tips ihn zu verlassen" which is turning the tables on the subject. i leave it up to the viewer which version speaks to them more...
"the problem is all inside your head, she said to me… the answer is easy if you take it logically...“
#stillife #photography #MastoArt #ironicArt #BlackAndWhite #artistsOnMastodon #art
#art #artistsonmastodon #BlackAndWhite #ironicArt #MastoArt #photography #stillife
salomé – la danse des sept voiles lll, autoportrait, série „nervensägen“ #photography #selfportrait #autoportrait #ironicArt #hystericArt #femaleArt #MastoArt #artistsOnMastodon #womensart #surrealart #visualArt #nervensäge
#nervensage #visualart #surrealart #womensart #artistsonmastodon #MastoArt #femaleart #hystericart #ironicArt #autoportrait #selfportrait #photography
salomé – la danse des sept voiles ll, autoportrait, série „nervensägen“ #photography #selfportrait #autoportrait #ironicArt #hystericArt #femaleArt #MastoArt #artistsOnMastodon #womensart #surrealart #visualArt #nervensäge
#nervensage #visualart #surrealart #womensart #artistsonmastodon #MastoArt #femaleart #hystericart #ironicArt #autoportrait #selfportrait #photography
salomé – la danse des sept voiles l, autoportrait, série „nervensägen“ #photography #selfportrait #autoportrait #ironicArt #hystericArt #femaleArt #MastoArt #artistsOnMastodon #womensart #surrealart #visualArt
#visualart #surrealart #womensart #artistsonmastodon #MastoArt #femaleart #hystericart #ironicArt #autoportrait #selfportrait #photography
second one of the series « muttertag », still life with dried tulips #stilllife #photography #BlackAndWhite #natureMorte #MastoArt #visualart #artistsonmastodon #fotografie #muttertag #ironicArt
#ironicArt #muttertag #fotografie #artistsonmastodon #visualart #MastoArt #naturemorte #BlackAndWhite #photography #stilllife
« muttertag » still life with dried tulips #stilllife #photography #BlackAndWhite #natureMorte #MastoArt #visualart #artistsonmastodon #fotografie #muttertag #ironicArt
#ironicArt #muttertag #fotografie #artistsonmastodon #visualart #MastoArt #naturemorte #BlackAndWhite #photography #stilllife
a second shot of the « kärcher woman », covering the aspect of hoover zombification, #visualart #photography #photographie #portrait #portraitphotography #artcontemporain #contemporaryart #art #MastoArt #womenartists #ironicArt #BlackAndWhite #noiretblancphotographie #schwarzweiss
#schwarzweiss #noiretblancphotographie #BlackAndWhite #ironicArt #womenartists #MastoArt #art #contemporaryart #artcontemporain #portraitphotography #portrait #photographie #photography #visualart
voilà un autre pouêt que j’ai « récupéré » de mon ancien instance piaille.
sometimes i like to portrait the « other ». starting from « come as you are », it always ends in discovering completely surprising aspects of the portrayed personality. an example: « kärcher woman » #visualart #photography #photographie #portrait #portraitphotography #artcontemporain #contemporaryart #art #MastoArt #womenartists #BlackAndWhite #noiretblancphotographie #schwarzweiss #ironicArt
#ironicArt #schwarzweiss #noiretblancphotographie #BlackAndWhite #womenartists #MastoArt #art #contemporaryart #artcontemporain #portraitphotography #portrait #photographie #photography #visualart