Going through Dad's #Photos some more today and I just love this one. It's so moody.
#photos #ironjawphotography #mountains #cascades #landscapephotography #photography #film #filmphotography
Tonight’s episode of #IronJawPhotography is going to be some of my Dad’s photos of Washington State where he grew up and loved spending time in the surrounding wilderness.
#ironjawphotography #filmphotography #washingtonstate #landscapephotography
Tonight I am going to share some more of my Dad’s #Aviation #photos. These were taken in the early to mid 1960s. Full descriptions in the alt text.
#aviation #photos #photography #filmphotography #coldwar #USMC #ironjawphotography
Been a while since I have shared some of my Dad’s #photography, gonnaremedy that tonight with some footage of Hong Kong circa 1959
#photography #ironjawphotography #hongkong #filmphotography
He also took many photos of the Cascade Mountains near where he grew up in Washington State. While Dad cannot remember some of the details of his shots (film type, lenses, etc) I will put as much info as possible into the images alt text as to location, times, etc….
#cascademountains #ironjawphotography #photography #landscapephotography