Tried out screen printing today. They just need fixation with heat and they are ready to go. This is so much fun! I usually work with heat transfer vinyl and my #cricut but this has great potential if you want to replicate many shirts with the same print!
#screenprinting #gaming #cat #rpg #heattransfervinyl #htv #ironon
#ironon #htv #heattransfervinyl #rpg #Cat #gaming #screenprinting #cricut
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#cricutsverige #cricut #plotter #cardmaking #htv #ironon #gifts
#Gifts #ironon #htv #cardmaking #plotter #cricut #cricutsverige
Is it just me? #cricut #cricutsverige #plotter #compulsivelycreative #htv #ironon #vinyladdict
#vinyladdict #ironon #htv #compulsivelycreative #plotter #cricutsverige #cricut