One of our founders is in Canada, the other in the US – we’re both on the west coast, so it’s breakfast and coffee with our matches.
Join us in supporting the greatest club on earth with talk about Union, Fussball Kultur, and proper support of the Fussballgötter in Köpenick. (2/2)
#fcunion #unveu #fcu #ironsidenordamerika
We are IRONSIDE, the North American supporters group loving 1.FC Union Berlin from across the Teich since 2018!
We’re passionate #FCUnion supporters, Mitglieder, and North American evangelists of #EisernUnion, and likely to post in Denglish. (1/2)
#fcunion #eisernunion #unveu #fcu #ironsidenordamerika
The first official meeting of Ironside Nordamerika was a smashing success, and has led us to consider firing up an Ironside mastodon account. ☺️
Any suggestions as to what server might be best?
#fcunion #unveu #ironsidenordamerika