Starforged – The Adventures of the Zebulon Harding – Session 43 – The Standoff
Esana's shot. Paladin's got a grenade. Earl has a plan.
Also: how Oracles?
#ActualPlay #OnlineTableTop #RandomPodcast #ActualPlay #Earl #ironsworn #solo #starforged
#actualplay #OnlineTableTop #RandomPodcast #earl #ironsworn #solo #starforged
Starforged – The Adventures of the Zebulon Harding – Session 42 – Deeper into the Station (and a pile of tangents)
More station, and some thinking about Ironsworn.
#ActualPlay #OnlineTableTop #RandomPodcast #ActualPlay #Earl #ironsworn #solo #starforged
#actualplay #OnlineTableTop #RandomPodcast #earl #ironsworn #solo #starforged
@BardicInquiry And a third option which almost feels de rigueur at this point, if you really like the BITD-style mechanics of #Lancer but want to go with a more fiction-forward, narrative, focused RPG architecture, you can do giant robot storytelling in #Ironsworn: #Starforged, plus the book is beautiful and the mechanics are awesome.
Just throwing more options out there for you.
#lancer #ironsworn #starforged
@WelshAdventurer I played #ironsworn and I really like a lot of it but I found it tiring playing "both sides" when you're playing the character and also trying to decide what the second critical failure on a move means
#ironsworn / #starforged of course. #ForbiddenLands has solo rules in it's book of beast, but while they're not bad, I'd prefer rules specifically designed for solo.
#ironsworn #starforged #forbiddenlands
#RPGaDay2023 Q24:
Probably the most complex has to be BattleTech: A Time of War. It's a little too crunchy for me and combat takes forever due to all the calculations and rule-checking. Seriously needs a decent VTT system to automate some of that (sadly there isn't one)
The most simple is probably either Shadowdark or Ironsworn.
#rpgaday2023 #battletech #shadowdarkrpg #shadowdark #ironsworn
It's Creator Day over at @itchio! Itch is waiving their revenue cut for the day, and I'm passing on the savings for my IRONSWORN adventure THE SELKIE ENVOY.
#itchio #itchiocreatorday #creatorday #ironsworn #ttrpg
@Fayedray If you're interested in giving one of the best of them a go, which might work out pretty well if you're looking to do fantasy and have a table of creative people who want to interact with the fiction, you can look at #Ironsworn .
Starforged – The Adventures of the Zebulon Harding – Session 41 – Zombies!
I mean... it's me. At some point zombies had to show up.
#ActualPlay #OnlineTableTop #RandomPodcast #ActualPlay #Earl #ironsworn #solo #starforged
#actualplay #OnlineTableTop #RandomPodcast #earl #ironsworn #solo #starforged
@AndreasDavour Of course dungeon delving is possible in TOTM. In some ways it's preferable especially if you are looking to emulate the feel of fiction rather than simulate an environment.
Ironically, I was just looking at one of the most specific TOTM games I have on hand for something else: #BeastHunters (
Of course the Delve supplement for #Ironsworn does it even more aggressively.
@jollysea Pretty much all the new wave of solo/co-op RPGs are excellent for one-on-one play (#Ironsworn : #Starforged being an excellent example). That's sort of inherent to the underlying mechanisms, of course.
#BeastHunters ( is one which specifically is designed for that mode of play, which is quite cool. Definitely pick up the 1.5 patch as well as it improves things even further.
#ironsworn #starforged #beasthunters
@ericmpaq You can play #Ironsworn (and #Starforged ) without engaging in a single violent action if that's what you want to do. You can set up vows and situations which are purely environmental or external threats which can be averted without violence.
You want to vow "I will survey the major regions of this planet and report back to Trantor?" Do it. And then don't introduce conflicts that involve violence.
This is the advantage of games designed for solo, fiction-first play.
@ericmpaq Then you might be hosed unless you use some sort of TTS, which could do bead-and-bag-play inherently.
Information hiding sucks for online play, anyway. Either you need a system and structure for doing that or you have to give up information hiding. (The latter is probably the better call.)
Have you considered hacking #ironsworn ? Clearly defined moves, familiar setting, open dice rolls, player-motivated action. I could probably teach it to kids.
@auguryignored What are the simulationist elements that you like? Because those are – a strange part of BW.
I understand what you mean about the intricate clockwork, however. I get that feeling out of #Ironsworn: #Starforged, with character vows, explorations, and a number of other things all effectively being count up or countdown timers all running at the same time, some of which can be popped early by choosing risk.
@auguryignored I feel like this is a premise that I could absolutely run in pretty much any fantasy setting. In fact, doing it in #Ironsworn after those annoying humans die off, having failed to colonize the continent, would be absolutely wonderful and hilarious.
Or a classic D&D setting but using the #Wushu mechanics.
Or even #Kingdom. Focus on being movers and shakers in the Dark Elf hegemony itself.
So many fun ideas.
Preview of some fantastic new Sundered Isles art by @JoshMeehanArt
Sundered Isles is an in-development supplement of seafaring adventure for Ironsworn: Starforged.
@johndroid You know, you don't have to give up your dreams!
You can let yourself play that kind of crazy, over-the-top, completely indulgent character.
If you don't feel comfortable doing it in public – that's why we have a burgeoning, aggressively growing solo-focused game design ecology. Go grab #Ironsworn and put something together.
And then Have Fun™. That is your only directive.
@DM_Zeppelin The fiction-forward centerstage nature of #Ironsworn #Starforged Especially and particularly in solo play.
It pushes you and forces you to be the responsible party for giving your character opposition – but it rewards you for pushing hard by allowing you to succeed hard. The Oracles, in a sense, allow you to treat yourself poorly.
Without feeling bad about it.
When narrative emerges post hoc from conflict, you're in a good place.
Brain: You should remaster THE SELKIE ENVOY for SUNDERED ISLES. Convert it to Affinity, add some public domain art--
Me: Let's focus on this really important interview first, okay?
#ttrpg #ironsworn #idlethoughts