Need to exit VIM? Here ya go: #vim #IronSysAdmin #Linux
Time for some Iron Sysadmin Podcast! Going live momentarily!
#podcast #technology #ironsysadmin
Hi @admin , @gangrif , and @XenoPhage Just heard your latest (last of the year) #IronSysAdmin episode and figured I'd share a link to help with info on hashtags:
BTW, as always it was a great episode! Hoping you're enjoying the holidays!! 😄
Folks! Tomorrow on the #ironsysadmin #podcast we’ll be chatting with the one and only @paulasadoorian ! What will we chat about? Who knows, probably podcasting, infosec and IT stuff, but i’m sure it’ll be entertaining! Join us at 7pm eastern!
@gangrif Hey .. We (IronSysadmin) got a pretty big shout out on Pauls Security Weekly (#784) !!
#podcast #ironsysadmin #paulssecurityweekly
Thanks to @paulasadoorian for turning me on to the #IronSysadmin Podcast. Great stuff and it indeed reminds me of old-skool PSW. :flan_smile: :flan_hacker:
Going live with #IronSysAdmin shortly. Special guest Jerry Bell @jerry will be joining us tonight to chat about running a server that suddenly had to deal with a massive flock from Birdsite.
I'm a co-host on the Iron Sysadmin podcast -
We have an exciting show this week, featuring Jerry Bell and his tales of "How I dealt with a sudden flood of new users after the drama with Twitter began". You can listen live and interact with us OR download and listen after. #IronSysAdmin