Finished! Two assault intercessor squads with their sergeants. The sargeants together accidentally make a little story. (I have another 3 assault intercessors, is why I needed 2 sargeants...)
#warhammercommunity #warhammer #warhamfam #warhammer40k #IronWithin #IronWithout
#warhammercommunity #warhammer #warhamFam #warhammer40k #ironwithin #ironwithout
Painted a little today after a loong hiatus. These are ready to be based, and then have some stripes added.
#WarhammerCommunuity #warhammer #warmongers #IronWarriors #IronWithin
#warhammercommunuity #warhammer #warmongers #IronWarriors #ironwithin
I don’t often Heresy, but when I do
#HorusHeresy #WarhammerCommunity #IronWithin #IronWithout
#horusheresy #warhammercommunity #ironwithin #ironwithout