Today's animal from Glasgow's architecture is this fantastic griffin handle to cast iron greek urn. The urn itself is the finial on a newel post outside a townhouse on Woodlands Terrace in the west end of Glasgow.
#glasgow #sculpture #griffin #architecture #glasgowarchiture #glasgowbuildings #woodlandsterrace #animalsinarchitecture #ironwork
#ironwork #animalsinarchitecture #woodlandsterrace #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchiture #architecture #griffin #sculpture #glasgow
Decorative metalwork on the Albert Bridge in Glasgow. Built in 1868 to a design by Bell and Miller, it's the only substantial wrought-iron arched bridge in Scotland.
#glasgow #bridges #architecture #metalwork #ironwork #decorativemetalwork
#albertbridge #decorativemetalwork #ironwork #metalwork #architecture #bridges #glasgow
Lion's foot leg on the bottom of a cast iron lamp outside the Royal Scottish Automobile Club building on Blytheswood Square in Glasgow.
I would imagine if you stripped off all the layers of thick black paint which have been added over the years, the underlying sculpture would look much more detailed and crisp.
#glasgow #ironwork #metalwork #lionsfoot #design #architecture #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings
#glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #architecture #design #lionsfoot #metalwork #ironwork #glasgow
Love these railings I came across in the west end of Glasgow today. They're an eye-catching design and I haven't yet seen it elsewhere in the city.
#glasgow #railings #metalwork #ironwork #design #architecture #streetfurniture #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture
#glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #streetfurniture #architecture #design #ironwork #metalwork #railings #glasgow
I love this taxi lamp outside the Corinthian Club on Ingram Street in Glasgow, but it has always slightly confused me as to why it's there.
#glasgow #architecture #designdetail #metalwork #ironwork #lamp #streetfurniture #ingramstreet #corinthianclub
#corinthianclub #ingramstreet #streetfurniture #lamp #ironwork #metalwork #designdetail #architecture #glasgow
Bootscarpers of Pollokshields in Glasgow.
These pieces of street furniture would have once been found at the entrance to most town houses and many tenement closes. You can still find them outside buildings across the city, but the design in the bottom left is not one I've seen elsewhere. Thanks to Harjam10 on Twitter for bringing it to my attention.
#glasgow #pollokshields #streetfurniture #bootscrapers #ironwork #metalwork
#metalwork #ironwork #bootscrapers #streetfurniture #Pollokshields #glasgow
Insta 2yrs ago: Entry level. #beachtown #neighborhood #elsegundo #streetscene #curbappeal #gatedentry #ironwork #staysafe #getyourshot #thegundo #losangeles #california
#california #losangeles #thegundo #getyourshot #staysafe #ironwork #gatedentry #curbappeal #StreetScene #elsegundo #neighborhood #BeachTown
A rather nice bit of decorative ironwork in the Glasgow Botanic Gardens.
#glasgow #ironwork #botanicgardens #glasgowbotanics #decorativeironwork
#decorativeironwork #glasgowbotanics #botanicgardens #ironwork #glasgow
If yiu are interested, you can read the details of the 1883 copyright infringement case here:
#glasgow #ironwork #decorativeironwork #foundry #ironfoundry #architecture
#architecture #ironfoundry #Foundry #decorativeironwork #ironwork #glasgow
Ornamental lamp on the 1887 Golden Jubilee gates at the entrance to Victoria Park in the west of Glasgow.
These gates were supplied and installed by the Walter Macfarlane & Co Foundry and were paid for by "The Ladies of Partick".
#glasgow #victoriapark #queenvictoria #goldenjubilee #ironwork #architecture #glasgowarchitecture
#glasgowarchitecture #architecture #ironwork #goldenjubilee #queenvictoria #victoriapark #glasgow
Beautiful ironwork detail on Alexander 'Greek' Thomson's Buck's Head Building in Argyle Street in Glasgow.
This building has a cast-iron frame which has been concealed by masonry, and then this decorative ironwork has been added on top. I love how Thomson paid so much attention to detail to get a building looking exactly the way he wanted it to.
#glasgow #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #architecture #ironwork #designdetail #windows
#windows #designdetail #ironwork #architecture #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #glasgow
Is it just me, or does this thistle on a fence at Glasgow University appear to be mid-way through giving a lecture to passersby?
#glasgow #glasgowuniversity #ironwork #thistle #publiclecture
#publiclecture #thistle #ironwork #glasgowuniversity #glasgow
Ornate ironwork lamp outside the former Saint Andew's Hall on Granville Street in Glasgow. This building was designed by James Sellars and was built in 1877. It burned down in 1962, and only the facade remains. It is now part of the Mitchell Library.
#glasgow #architecture #glasgowarchitecture #ironwork #metalwork #streetlamp
#streetfurniture #streetlamp #metalwork #ironwork #glasgowarchitecture #architecture #glasgow
On a side note, if you look closely at news footage, you'll see that the bootscrapers at the entrance to 10 Downing Street (where the UK Prime Minister lives) are almost identical to the one in the top middle photograph.
#glasgow #ironwork #bootscraper
#design #architecture #designdetail #parkcircus #10downingstreet
#10downingstreet #ParkCircus #designdetail #architecture #design #metalwork #bootscraper #ironwork #glasgow
Bootscrapers of Park Circus in the west end of Glasgow. Bootscrapers are very basic, functional item of metalwork, but I love all the different ways they've been made to look a bit more fancy. These have presumably been individually selected from a catelogue of designs by the first residents of each building.
#glasgow #ironwork #bootscraper
#design #architecture #designdetail #parkcircus
#ParkCircus #designdetail #architecture #design #metalwork #bootscraper #ironwork #glasgow
A beautiful little bird-shaped bootscraper on Park Circus in the west end of Glasgow. This is a design for a bootscrsper I haven't come across in Glasgow before.
#glasgow #metalwork #parkcircus #bootscraper #ironwork #glasgowhistory
#glasgowhistory #ironwork #bootscraper #ParkCircus #metalwork #glasgow
Insta 2yrs ago: Detail oriented. #beachtown #neighborhood #belmontshore #streetscene #lightandshadow #tile #ironwork #staysafe #getyourshot #longbeach #losangeles #california
#california #losangeles #longbeach #getyourshot #staysafe #ironwork #tile #lightandshadow #StreetScene #belmontshore #neighborhood #BeachTown
Decorative ironwork at 1 Stanley Street in the Kinning Park area of Glasgow. I'm presuming this is associated with the former British Linen Bank on the corner of Stanley Street and Paisley Road West.
#glasgow #kinningpark #ironwork #architecture #metalwork #glasgowbuildings
#glasgowbuildings #metalwork #architecture #ironwork #kinningpark #glasgow
The decoration over the entrance to Hielan Jessie on Gallowgate in Glasgow.
One of the oldest pubs in Glasgow, it is named affer Jessie Brown who opened it in 1857 after her husband was killed fighting with the 17th Highland Regiment in India.
#glasgow #glasgowpubs #gallowgate #architecture #design #ironwork #oldpubs
#oldpubs #ironwork #design #architecture #gallowgate #glasgowpubs #glasgow