Science/math/engineering peeps who use LaTeX, do you use an online editor like Overleaf or a local editor on your computer? I’ve been going back and forth between Overleaf and TexStudio, torn between the fear of a hard drive meltdown and fear of loss of connectivity. 😀
#LaTeX #irrationalfears
@jaydeflix well at least you didn't have to worry about someone outside peeping in. O.o
Noticed a sudden irruption of visitors to my website looking for tryophobia triggers and information about the condition. I have personal experience of this as well as what I'd suggest is the opposite effect - ASMR...
Needless to say, I've updated my blog
#Phobias #TrypoPhobia #Tripe #holes #bumps #fears #IrrationalFears
#phobias #trypophobia #tripe #holes #bumps #fears #irrationalfears