Merriam-Webster has some choice words for purists who would call irregardless "not a word".
Merriam-Webster has some choice words for purists who would call irregardless "not a word".
I was listening intently to #jonathanturley learning a little, disagreeing upon narrow interpretation, researching, and sitting with an open mind UNTIL used "#IRREGARDLESS".
This is a sitting United States Congressman.
I'm done.
#ImpeachingHearings #irregardless #jonathanturley
#WeSeeYou using improper, bastardized, uneducated English in a Congressional hearing as the GOP drags immigrants with #hypocrisy for speaking their mother tongue.
Once more for the nose bleed seats..., #irregardless is NOT a word. #ImpeachmentHearings #DonTheCon
#donthecon #impeachmenthearings #irregardless #hypocrisy #weseeyou