RT @talkingkoala@twitter.com
💔😭 Just got a call from one of my koala trained @NSWSES@twitter.com volunteers - koala hit by car near recent HR 🔥 Shima was a beautiful, so healthy, 3 1/2 yrs old 🙏🐨💖🤗 @PennySharpemlc@twitter.com we need real action on the ground 🌈 RIP Shima #irreplaceable #irreversible
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/talkingkoala/status/1671091103779688448
Belated #ThickTrunkTuesday entry.
This #ancient red #cedar is close to 500 yrs old. It's one of the last remaining #OldGrowth cedars within #CRD area on South #VancouverIsland & we need rest of unprotected #AncientForests protected for perpetuity.
#WorthMoreStanding #protectOldGrowth #SacredForests #ProtectTheSacred #SaveOldGrowth #StopEcocide #StopClearcuts #irreplaceable #TreesOverGreed #vanisle #Wsanec #Saanich #VictoriaBC #yyj #PNW #PacificNorthwest #ProtectNature #BCNDP #BritishColumbia
#thicktrunktuesday #ancient #cedar #oldgrowth #crd #vancouverisland #ancientforests #WorthMoreStanding #protectoldgrowth #sacredforests #protectthesacred #SaveOldGrowth #stopecocide #stopclearcuts #irreplaceable #treesovergreed #vanisle #wsanec #saanich #victoriabc #yyj #pnw #pacificnorthwest #protectnature #bcndp #britishcolumbia
I love #AncientTrees 🌲😍🌲 This #RedCedar #elderTree is over 1000 yrs old.
#WorthMoreStanding #OldGrowth #SacredForests #protectOldGrowth #SaveOldGrowth #StopEcocide #StopClearcuts #irreplaceable #wilderness #TreeHugger #ProtectOurForests #ForestsForever #biodiversity #StopDeforestation #BritishColumbia #Canada #PNW #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PacificNorthwest #ClayoquotSound #MearesIsland #RespectNature #ProtectTheWild #WildFirst #OneEarth #ClimateChange #ForestProtector #Ecology #environmental
#ancienttrees #redcedar #eldertree #WorthMoreStanding #oldgrowth #sacredforests #protectoldgrowth #SaveOldGrowth #stopecocide #stopclearcuts #irreplaceable #wilderness #treehugger #ProtectOurForests #forestsforever #biodiversity #stopdeforestation #britishcolumbia #canada #pnw #vanisle #vancouverisland #pacificnorthwest #clayoquotsound #mearesisland #respectnature #protectthewild #wildfirst #OneEarth #climatechange #forestprotector #ecology #environmental
#ThickTrunkTuesdays toot.
Some #powerful #BigTree #giants - #MearesIsland in #BritishColumbia #Canada off waters near #Tofino . Canada's 1st #Indigenous #TribalPark & #Native #Environmental #guardians & #stewardship by #Tlaoquiaht #FirstNation .
#NuuChahNulth #AncientForests #ElderTrees #Sacred #SaveOldGrowth #WorthMoreStanding #OldGrowth #ProtectTheAncients #MotherEarth #LivingCathedrals #Incredible #Irreplaceable #Nature #ProtectNature #biodiversity #OneEarth #StopClearcutting #StopEcocide
#thicktrunktuesdays #powerful #BigTree #giants #mearesisland #britishcolumbia #canada #tofino #indigenous #tribalpark #native #environmental #guardians #stewardship #tlaoquiaht #firstnation #nuuchahnulth #ancientforests #eldertrees #sacred #SaveOldGrowth #WorthMoreStanding #oldgrowth #protecttheancients #motherearth #livingcathedrals #incredible #irreplaceable #nature #protectnature #biodiversity #OneEarth #stopclearcutting #stopecocide