Digging Deeper: Well Builders Struggle To Supply Farmers Amid Central Asian Water Crisis. #Uzbek well diggers are forced to constantly go deeper to supply rural farmers. With water tables falling, diggers can no longer guarantee farmers they will find a reliable source of irrigation. #CentralAsia #farming #water #groundwater #irrigation https://youtu.be/_Mxd9BcgHxU
#uzbek #centralasia #farming #water #groundwater #irrigation
Digging Deeper: Well Builders Struggle To Supply Farmers Amid Central Asian Water Crisis. #Uzbek well diggers are forced to constantly go deeper to supply rural farmers. With water tables falling, diggers can no longer guarantee farmers they will find a reliable source of irrigation. #CentralAsia #farming #water #groundwater #irrigation https://youtu.be/_Mxd9BcgHxU
#irrigation #groundwater #Water #farming #centralasia #Uzbek
#irrigation journey hopefully at an end... The issue turned out to be a broken ground wire between the different valve boxes. #rachio has been reinstalled too.
I should have been able to deduce that this contiguous failure was due to something connecting the boxes but it was hard to diagnose since it worked intermittently (maybe due to vibrations of the wire?)
Anyway, hope this is it and that our plants bounce back.
#Solar panels on #water #canals seem like a no-brainer. So why aren't they widespread?
#SolarAquaGrid proposed water-saving #solarpanels to shade #irrigation canals, but they "couldn't get anyone to commit"
#solar #water #canals #solaraquagrid #solarpanels #irrigation
#Heatwaves are present across much of southern #Europe, with #temperatures in #Spain reaching 109 degrees Fahrenheit on July 18th. In an effort to cope with the region’s extreme #heat, #Spanish communities have started using a network of historic #irrigation canals, which were built by the Moors, a Muslim population that resided in the #IberianPeninsula during the #MiddleAges. Read more:
#heatwaves #europe #temperatures #Spain #heat #spanish #irrigation #iberianpeninsula #MiddleAges
#Mexico steps up rain-making project amid intense heatwave and drought
Government claims 98% success rate for cloud seeding but critics urge improving #irrigation and #water supply systems
#Sécheresse #Irrigation #Agriculture #Eau
"Les petits cultivateurs accusent les géants céréaliers de s’accaparer le peu d’eau disponible. Comment partager ? Faut-il irriguer autrement ? Agriculteurs et scientifiques cherchent des solutions."
par @romainjeanticou
#secheresse #irrigation #agriculture #eau
Le génie des Maures en Andalousie
#Espagne #Maures #Arabes #eau #irrigation #génie #agriculture #sécheresse #rechauffementclimatique
#espagne #maures #arabes #eau #irrigation #genie #agriculture #secheresse #rechauffementclimatique
Great read on the current state of
#WaterResources #SierraNevada
How California’s weather catastrophe turned into a miracle
#irrigation #aquifers #sierranevada #waterresources #snowpack #california
Die Bewässerungsanlage braucht ein Upgrade... die hat es letztes Jahr nur so mäßig übern Sommerurlaub gemacht. Ein Magnetventil muss noch rein und zwei Wasserabgänge ohne Ventil. Ein Drucksensor nach der Pumpe wäre aus Überwachungsgründen auch wünschenswert... na mal sehen :thaenkin:
#garden #gardening #irrigation #HomeAutomation
#homeautomation #irrigation #gardening #garden
Warm, dry weather has led Central #Oregon #irrigation districts to start water curtailments in July as the natural flow in the Deschutes River dwindled. Although winter snowpack was ample, dry soil has absorbed some of the runoff.
With less than a year to go, the Murray-Darling Basin Plan is in a dreadful mess. These 5 steps are needed to fix it
"The Murray-Darling Basin covers about a seventh of the Australian land mass: most of New South Wales, parts of Queensland, South Australia and Victoria, and all of the Australian Capital Territory. It includes the Murray River and Darling River/Baarka and their tributaries...."
#freshwater #ecosystems #rivers #wetlands #MassFishKills #biodiversity #NSW #irrigation #extraction #transparency #accountability #trust #environment #MurrayDarling #water
#freshwater #ecosystems #rivers #wetlands #massfishkills #biodiversity #nsw #irrigation #extraction #transparency #accountability #trust #environment #murraydarling #water
How a Saudi firm tapped a gusher of water in drought-stricken Arizona.
#SaudiArabia #Arizona #water #irrigation #alfalfa #hay #WaterScarcity #desert #drought
My Washington Post subscription allows me to share access.. check out this gift article...
#saudiarabia #arizona #water #irrigation #alfalfa #hay #waterscarcity #desert #drought
by #AlexHager for #KUNC:
"The Colorado River is governed by more than a century of legal agreements, most of which were hammered out by generations of older white men. The ranks of the river's top policy negotiators have begun to diversify in recent years, including more women and people of color, but still tend to skew older. [JB] Hamby's inclusion marks the first time a member of Generation Z will be at the negotiating table, making deals for the Southwest's most important water source."
#JBHamby #ImperialValley #ColoradoRiver #California #GenerationZ #ImperialIrrigationDistrict #IID #irrigation #river #water #crops #livestock #farming
#alexhager #kunc #jbhamby #imperialvalley #coloradoriver #california #generationz #imperialirrigationdistrict #iid #irrigation #river #water #crops #livestock #farming
pre-school #STEM education on #groundwater #hydrology #water cycle #infiltration and #irrigation with @planetwater.
The kids were super interested and we had fun experimenting with water, seeing how rain replenishes a well, how rivers are connected to the subsurface, and how contaminants move in the subsurface!
Kids had also prepared their cork-boats that floated on the creek nearby
We all had a great time!
#irrigation #infiltration #water #hydrology #groundwater #stem
Even when he's not dancing he still strikes a handsome pose?
#VermillionFlycatcher #ScudderPark #irrigation #Tempe
#tempe #irrigation #scudderpark #vermillionflycatcher
Humans have used enough #groundwater to shift #Earth’s #tilt. #Pumping groundwater for #drinking and #irrigation has had a noticeable effect on the entire planet, data show. #farming #drought #ClimateCrisis #WaterMass #oceans https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2023/06/26/rain-flooding-us-risk-climate-change
#groundwater #earth #tilt #pumping #drinking #irrigation #farming #drought #ClimateCrisis #watermass #oceans