The IRS will use AI to audit the wealthy--I have many, many questions.
Forgive the paywall and source (fuck the New York Times to hell)
It’s so hush-hush that his spox, Steven Cheung, claimed no knowledge of its existence.
“I’ve never heard of a N Flagler office,” Cheung said, when… asked….
But it’s here, across the hall from an #IRS suite w/a door marked “#criminal investigation” & one floor below an outpost for #Trump’s #SecretService detail. 3 sources confirmed the location of the office.
#irs #criminal #trump #secretservice
With Funds Opposed by #GOP, #IRS to Target Ultrawealthy Tax Delinquents
"This news stands in stark contrast to the approach taken by House #Republicans, who want to allow #wealthy #tax cheats to continue business as usual," said U.S. Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden.
The U.S. Internal Revenue Service on Friday won praise from congressional Democrats and progressive groups for announcing "a sweeping, historic effort to restore fairness in tax compliance...
#gop #irs #republicans #wealthy #tax
The IRS is going after 1,600 millionaires who owe hundreds of millions in overdue taxes, and it's using AI to catch them
#BusinessInsider #IRS #Millionaires #OverdueTaxes #ArtificialIntelligence #TaxEvasion #Politics #News
#businessinsider #irs #millionaires #overduetaxes #artificialintelligence #taxevasion #politics #news
The #IRS plans to crack down on 1,600 #millionaires to collect millions of dollars in back #taxes
IRS announces crackdown on 1,600 millionaires #IRS #Taxes #TaxCheats #Millionaire #BigBusiness #InternalRevenueService #InflationReductionAct #politicaliq #news #politics
#irs #taxes #taxcheats #millionaire #bigbusiness #internalrevenueservice #inflationreductionact #politicaliq #News #politics
Thanks to a multibillion-dollar funding boost the Internal Revenue Service will be able to use AI to assist with sophisticated and complex tax evasion cases. Mr. Werfel, the IRS commissioner explained "artificial intelligence is helping the IRS identify patterns and trends, giving the agency greater confidence that it can find where larger partnerships are shielding income."
(Content may be paywalled)
Let us know when you're done so we can eat them. #TaxTheRich #IRS #EatTheRich
IRS cracking down on 1,600 millionaires over back taxes
The IRS announced on Friday it is launching an effort to aggressively pursue 1,600 millionaires and 75 large business partnerships that owe hundreds of millions of dollars in past due taxes.
Now you know why the #gop wanted to defund the #irs. And you bought the bullshit about them coming after you.
It’s their donors they’re trying to protect.
US Treasury, IRS propose cryptocurrency regulations for brokers - Brokers — referred to as “digital asset middlemen” in the regulat... - #cryptocurrencyexchange #federalreserve #unitedstates #irs
#irs #unitedstates #federalreserve #cryptocurrencyexchange
É isto um Partido Socialista ou um Partido ANTI-SOCIALISTA e NEOLIBERAL? E depois ainda temos que aturar a conversa burguesóide da Iniciativa Liberal? E os autores do artigo até tentam disfarçar repetindo várias vezes que Portugal não foge à regra da OCDE. Terceiro lugar da lista e não foge à regra? Não fugir à regra era estar três lugares a menos ou a mais do que o meio da tabela. Agora como é que terceiro lugar da lista pode ser considerado como "não fugir à regra"? Jornalismo subserviente aos poderes instalados é o que é...
#Portugal #Neoliberalismo #Impostos #IRC #IRS #Desigualdade #Trabalho #Capital: "Portugal tem a terceira maior diferença da OCDE entre os impostos aplicados aos indivíduos que têm rendimentos de capitais e aqueles que recebem salários. Fiscalistas "culpam" altas taxas de IRS.
Quem tem rendimentos de capital beneficia, regra geral, de um enquadramento fiscal mais favorável do que quem recebe salários. Portugal não foge a essa tendência e é mesmo o terceiro país da OCDE onde a diferença de tratamento entre esses tipos de rendimentos é maior, isto é, onde o capital é mais favorecido em detrimento do trabalho. As altas taxas de IRS explicam esse cenário, dizem os fiscalistas ouvidos pelo ECO, que avisam que essa dinâmica pode estar a travar a melhoria dos salários.
“Os Governos aplicam quase sempre enquadramentos fiscais mais favoráveis aos indivíduos que têm rendimentos de capital do que aos que têm rendimentos de trabalho”, identifica a Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Económico (OCDE), numa nota recente dedicada a essa diferença e que olha em particular para os contribuintes com rendimentos mais elevados."
#portugal #neoliberalismo #impostos #IRC #irs #desigualdade #trabalho #capital
Do you wish filing your taxes every year wasn't so complicated? Well Biden and the IRS want to make tax-filing much easier, but Republicans and companies like Inuit are determined to keep it complicated.
#taxes #irs #capitalism
I wish I could pull in a tiny fraction of the revenue #IBM likely charges the #IRS to maintain those #mainframes. #vendorlockin
#ibm #irs #mainframes #vendorlockin
No, the #IRS is not sending emails to #taxpayers about a third round of #economic impact payments
@rodhilton Actually they've been saying "they're supporting #Trump more because they know what it's like to be falsely accused with trumped up charges and planted/false evidence."
The whole #Trump situation (as well as recent actions by the #FBI and the #IRS) seems to have made the right more leery of police. Will they hold off on supporting "neocon" and authoritarian-adjacent (big government) policy positions?
One can dream.
Tornado Cash Indictments May Prove to Be Just a Localized Storm After All - The Tornado Cash indictments could be another tipping point for crypto. How the case play... - #stateofcrypto #regulations #newsletters #tornadocash #sanctions #opinion #policy #taxes #irs
#irs #taxes #policy #opinion #sanctions #tornadocash #newsletters #regulations #stateofcrypto
US Congress Members Clash on the Potential Effect of Proposed Tax Rules on the Crypto Industry - Members of the U.S. Congress have expressed concerns about the possible problems t... - #cryptocurrencytaxproposal #elizabethwarren #patrickmchenry #cynthialummis #u.s.treasury #uscongress #news #irs
#irs #news #uscongress #u #cynthialummis #patrickmchenry #elizabethwarren #cryptocurrencytaxproposal